
Woman Thought to Be Behind Violent 1983 Bombing of Capitol Was a Big Player in Democrats' Favorite Organization: Black Lives Matter


A week after violence erupted at the U.S. Capitol in Washington amid a rally in support of President Donald Trump, Democrats are cashing in on the event to cancel conservatism and justify another impeachment sham against the president.

But if Democrats use their own previous standards with regard to violence in that very same building, those who breached the building’s doors on Jan. 6 should receive a presidential pardon and later a nice job with a political fundraising group.

That was what happened to activist Susan Rosenberg, who was connected to a group that bombed the Capitol in 1983. She resurfaced last year as a board member for a leftist group raising funds for the Black Lives Matter Global Network.

Rosenberg’s story is one that is quite compelling.

“At two minutes before 11 o’clock in the evening on [Nov. 7] in 1983, a thunderous explosion tore through the second floor of the U.S. Capitol’s Senate wing. Since the area was virtually deserted at the time, there were no casualties,” Politico reported in 2017.

“The force of the device, hidden under a bench outside the Senate chamber, blew the hinges off the door to the office of Sen. Robert Byrd. … It also damaged five paintings, particularly a stately portrait of Massachusetts Sen. Daniel Webster,” the report said.

“The blast also punched a hole in a partition that sent a shower of pulverized brick, plaster and glass into the Republican cloakroom behind the chamber. Although the explosion caused no structural damage to the Capitol, it shattered mirrors, chandeliers and furniture. Officials placed the damage at $250,000.”

Do you think Democrats are attempting to use the Capitol incursion to silence their opponents?

Politico reported Rosenberg was arrested in connection with the bombing, but a federal judge dropped the charges against her because she was already serving a long sentence for “related terrorist crimes.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer reported in a 2011 profile that Rosenberg had been sentenced to 58 years in prison for being in possession of 740 pounds of explosives. Former President Bill Clinton pardoned her in 2001, and she surfaced last summer as the vice chairwoman of the leftist advocacy group Thousand Currents.

Fox News reported in November: “The nonprofit, formerly known as IDEX, quickly removed the director’s page featuring Rosenberg from its website in June. It remained unclear if and to what capacity she still serves the organization. Thousand Currents did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.”

“By the time she was 29, Rosenberg was on the FBI’s Most Wanted List, suspected of being an accomplice in the 1979 prison escape of the still FBI-wanted Joanne Chesimard, aka ‘Assata Shakur,’ a [Black Liberation Army] member who was serving a life sentence for the murder of police troopers in New Jersey. Rosenberg was also wanted in connection to a 1981 Brink’s robbery that claimed the lives of two police officers and one guard.”

After Trump commuted the sentence of longtime associate Roger Stone last summer, Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah threw quite a fit about it on Twitter. He was quickly reminded of Rosenberg’s presidential pardon.

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What does this all mean?

Well, for one, we could say that people are deserving of clemency and second chances. But, seeing as Rosenberg was reportedly very recently raising funds amid months of riots for a political extremist group, that is difficult to take from her story.

It’s perhaps more likely that Democrats in Congress never relent with regard to their double standards.

The disgraceful Capitol incursion is being used by gleeful Democrats and some Republicans as a pretext to cancel Trumpism. But a look back at 1983 shows that a woman was connected to an actual bombing of that building, and her punishment was eventually a job on the board of a group raising money for causes Democrats love. The alleged bomb conspirator even got to take a photo with Clinton.

Meanwhile, people who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6 to behave violently are being connected to millions of innocent Americans in a campaign to smear conservatism as the worst thing in the world.

They want not just the rioters but all of us canceled, muzzled, broken and sent to the gulags.

But if history repeats itself in this case, the guy in the horned fur hat who we all saw wandering the halls of Congress could very well be running a fundraising group in 20 years and celebrated in the newspapers.

That, of course, is highly unlikely.

It’s much more probable that had the incursion been perpetrated by leftists, we would have quit hearing about it from the establishment media somewhere around the evening of Jan. 6.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.

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