
'Wolf Pack' Crimes Committed by Immigrant Youths Force NYPD to Make a Change


Liberals are getting another lesson on the immigration policies of the Biden-Harris administration.

With millions of illegal aliens streaming into the country since the 2020 election, the impact has spread far from the southern border states.

Now, thanks to “wolf packs” of criminal migrants stalking innocent human prey, New York City police are turning Central Park into an occupied zone.

That’s the message from a report Wednesday from WABC-TV in New York, which includes video of police in cruisers, on foot and on horseback trying to re-establish law and order in the heart of one of the country’s great cities.

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NYPC Chief of Patrol John Chell told WABC’s “Mornings @10” that police know who is responsible.

“Southern part of the park, we see a lot of robberies, group robberies, young kids, mugging people or taking their property. We believe these are young migrants who are committing these robberies,” he said.

Of 11 robberies in the park since June 27, eight are connected to “wolf packs” — large groups of migrants who pick off their victims when the opportunity is ripe, Assistant Chief of Detectives Jason Savino told the station for Wednesday’s report.

“So you can imagine the feeling of that individual — predominantly tourists who are soft targets — sitting on a bench, and then ultimately being victimized by these wolf-pack type robberies. It’s tremendously concerning.”

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Savino also called the situation unprecedented.

“It’s a  new phenomenon, not only to Central Park but really to the area,” he said.

Savino is right about one thing: It’s not hard to imagine how terrifying that would be.

It’s also not hard to imagine that crime waves like the one plaguing New York City — and it’s not just Central Park by any means — are the direct, utterly predictable result of the country surrendering its sovereignty to pretty much anyone on the globe with the connections to make it onto U.S. soil.

The fact that millions of those “migrants” come from hellhole Third World countries where the rule of law is nonexistent and that they’ve learned no reason to respect American law — pretty much guarantees they’re going to bring crime with them.

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And it’s not just New York.

No matter how much the Democratic Party and the establishment media try to downplay it, migrant crime is striking Americans throughout the country — in Maryland, in Georgia, in Michigan and the list goes on and on.

New York City is staunchly Democratic, of course, and the disastrous Democratic rule of former Mayor Bill DeBlasio is one of the major reasons it has declined so badly since its resurgent days under Republican Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg. (Bloomberg became an independent while he was still running City Hall, which in hindsight might have the beginning of the city’s fall.)

But it’s President Joe Biden and his would-be successor, Vice President Kamala Harris, who’ve kicked the migrant invasion into overdrive — bringing international crime to American doorsteps and changing New York from the country’s biggest city to the country’s biggest crime scene.

Conservatives already understand it, but the lesson from New York City is one liberals all across the country need to learn:

Illegal immigration by definition means bringing criminals into the country — and with the criminals comes crime.

And as New York City is learning, maintaining law and order matters. And it’s far, far easier than restoring it once it’s lost.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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