
Woke Websites Ban Content Glorifying Plantation Home Wedding Locations


Well, it seems our friends on the radical American left finally chose their weekly anti-business social justice initiative.

According to Fox News, The Knot Worldwide, Brides and Pinterest — three of the internet’s go-to platforms for happy, or incredibly stressed, couples planning weddings — have decided to heavily censor content that “glorifies” former slavery-involved plantations as potential venues.

Regardless of the immense beauty to be found in august manors and verdant, well-kept grounds, the companies argue there is absolutely nothing “romantic” about the idea of being married on a Southern plantation.

The venues’ dark histories, obviously rooted in the morally bankrupt institution of slavery, have apparently tainted them for eternity.

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“Weddings should be a symbol of love and unity. Plantations represent none of those things,” a Pinterest representative told BuzzFeed News. “We are working to limit the distribution of this content and accounts across our platform, and continue to not accept advertisements for them.”

However, none of the companies seemed to feel strongly enough about the supposed stand it was taking to outright ban plantation venues. Why forgo the advertising revenue from the traffic they bring to the website, right?

Instead, they determined they would simply prohibit the promotion of these venues using such terms as “elegant” or “charming.”

That’s right. Those renting out plantation renters can still use the three websites — they will simply be unable to describe or advertise their venues with words that might imply any semblance of pride, dignity or confidence in the figurative product they provide.

And as BuzzFeed reported, the idea was not even hatched by the sites themselves.

Pinterest, Brides and The Knot are instead giving in to overwhelming pressure from the civil rights activists at Color of Change, who claim the sites are no different from Nazi concentration camps and have been pressuring the companies to outright ban plantation renters from their sites.

“The decision to glorify plantations as nostalgic sites of celebration is not an empowering one for the Black women and justice-minded people who use your site,” Color of Change wrote to the Knot Worldwide.

“Plantations are physical reminders of one of the most horrific human rights abuses the world has ever seen,” the letter said. “The wedding industry routinely denies the violent conditions Black people faced under chattel slavery by promoting plantations as romantic places to marry.”

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I can think of no more disingenuous statement, no greater misrepresentation of the truth.

Nobody is claiming these to be “nostalgic” sites. There are few people in this country sick enough to believe there is anything “nostalgic” about slavery.

Nor is anyone in the wedding industry “routinely” denying the horrors and depravity of that institution.

Not to be dismissive of those who enjoy or promote plantation weddings — but most simply aren’t thinking about it that hard.

They are probably just thinking, “Ooo, that’s pretty.”

They probably just appreciate the magnificence of Antebellum architecture and scenic Southern landscapes.

And if that is all they want out of a wedding venue — a beautiful location, hold the social justice lecture — so be it.

Do you think this is a ridiculous decision?

Of course, any reasonable person already understood that much, understood this isn’t actually about slavery or true social justice at all.

In truth, this is about radical leftists driving a wedge between Americans for political gain.

This type of incessant politically correct noise is the metaphorical sound of the progressive left scraping the bottom of the barrel for something to express outrage over.

They are trying as hard as they possibly can to find ways to divide and conquer with the critical race and social theory developed over the years in our academic ivory towers.

The social justice war machine is in constant need of its primary fuel: outrage.

The moment that outrage stops, the motor stops running too, and capitalizing on identity politics becomes impossible for our friends across the aisle.

But it seems the war machine isn’t running on Premium these days.

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