
'WJ Live': How Trump Brought Peace to the Middle East, the Failure of Remote Learning and Joe Biden's Latest Gaffe


Full Episode Details


On this episode of “WJ Live,” Josh Manning, George Upper, Michael Austin and Floyd Brown discuss the recent treaties signed in the Middle East, the failure of distance learning and how Big Tech companies are continuing to censor voices they don’t agree with.

In this episode:

  • 0:16 — Will Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden debate President Donald Trump?
  • 6:44 — How did Trump help bring peace in the Middle East?
  • 16:39 — Is distance learning exposing the cracks in the public school system?
  • 24:27 — What kind of voices are being suppressed by Big Tech companies?
The Media Warned Us About 'Argentina's Trump': Months Later, He's Already Turning His Country Around

Quotes from this episode

“If you don’t believe in fake news — just compare what Trump has done to Obama sending boatloads of cash to Iran, who then went on to fund terrorism. Like, it’s just, the contrast could not be more stark.” — Michael Austin 

“If public education itself is a failure, public online education is even a greater failure.” — Floyd Brown

“Back before political correctness, when people considered public school teaching a calling, that wasn’t such a bad thing because of the people involved in it. That is not what public education looks like today.” — George Upper

“Even dedicated professionals cannot excel in a broken system.” — Floyd Brown 

“If there is one place that there is systemic racism, it is in public schools, because public schools keep minority children undereducated, underperforming, have the lowest standards possible for them. It is a shame and minorities ought to be furious about it. The majority ought to be furious about it, too. It is unfair and wretched.” — Josh Manning 

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Kayla has been a staff writer for The Western Journal since 2018.
Kayla Kunkel began writing for The Western Journal in 2018.
Lifetime Member of the Girl Scouts
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