
'I Will Not Be Silenced': Tara Reade Speaks Out on Biden's Inauguration


Tara Reade weighed in on Joe Biden’s ascension to the presidency on Wednesday, calling his inauguration “unspeakably hard to watch.”

“Coming forward about being sexually harassed and assaulted in 1993 when I was Joe Biden’s staffer was excruciating on so many levels,” Reade told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Biden used his power and resources with certain media to erase me and silence me.”

“I stand in solidarity with all survivors coming up against such power,” she continued.

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“I will not be silenced. Instead of talking about saving the country’s soul he should be held accountable for his actions. The hard part is I believe in many policies that will move forward as I am a progressive independent, but it is unspeakably hard to watch the man who assaulted me go to the most powerful position in the land.”

Reade accused Biden in March of sexually assaulting her when she worked for him in 1993. Biden has denied the allegation.

“I’m sorry that I’m politically inconvenient but my perpetrator was Joe Biden,” Reade told the DCNF in late April. “And people need to deal with it.”

Reade’s accusations garnered national attention in late April, but subsequent media reporting sought to cast doubt on her credibility and academic credentials. Her attorney abandoned her legal case in early May following reports that Reade had lied about her undergraduate degree.

Reade told the DCNF that she did not lie about her degree and is pursuing legal action against Antioch University.

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A version of this article appeared on the Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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