
Watch: Whoopi Goldberg Goes on Tirade Against Lauren Boebert, Calls Her 'Little Girl'


Fresh off her two-week suspension for making disrespectful comments about victims of the Holocaust, Whoopi Goldberg is back to yelling at people on “The View.”

On Wednesday, Goldberg went on a rant on the ABC show about Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert’s actions during President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address the previous night.

When Biden referenced flag-draped coffins and made no mention of the 13 American service members killed when a bomb exploded during the disastrous U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan, the congresswoman shouted out, “You put them in, 13 of them.”

Goldberg began the segment by addressing Boebert directly: “I have to say, you know, you’re probably about 35 years old and maybe you don’t understand that a whole lot of folks over the last seven or eight years have been sent to their deaths for no good reason. Soldiers know what’s coming. They don’t want to die.

“And what you should do is you should have let him say what he had to say, and if you were going to yell something out, just hold off. Hold off. But don’t do it there because we’re all trying to hear it and now we’re talking about you instead of, you know, what he had to say.”

The ladies subsequently chatted about the congresswoman’s “lack of decorum,” which they all found to be disgraceful.

It was then that Goldberg’s tirade picked up steam.

She said that in 2020, Boebert had “opposed the bill to fund the military because she didn’t like Democrats’ politics.”

“Don’t talk about the military unless you really want to talk about the military,” Goldberg said. “You know, they — you can’t do what they do. That’s why we revere them, because they do the stuff we can’t do.

“And the minute you poop on them? You poop on them like the last guy did, talking about those gold star families? Talking about Mr. McCain as not being a hero?”

She was referring to former President Donald Trump’s comments in 2017 to the families of troops who died in battle and in 2015 about political rival John McCain, the Arizona senator who had been a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

“Who the hell do you think you are, little girl?” Goldberg said. “Who do you think you are?”

“You don’t have to like this president to be respectful of him talking about the military and his son who died,” she said, referring to Biden’s late son Beau. “You don’t have to like him. But you must be respectful. You gotta be.”

I’ll preface my comments by saying that although I appreciated Boebert’s sentiments, I found her behavior to be disrespectful as well. A State of the Union address is not a campaign rally or a debate among members of Congress.

Watch: Whoopi Goldberg Calls Trump a Bug, Then Biden Pretends to Kill It in Shocking Moment Live on Air

That said, here are four reasons that Goldberg’s take on Boebert misses the mark.

1. It was Biden’s poor judgment that caused the deaths of those 13 service members. The president’s bad decision-making during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan resulted in America’s worst military humiliation in many years.

The historic blunder put the U.S. at the mercy of the Taliban. Biden’s weakness and his recklessness had allowed the terrorists to dictate terms. In the chaos of the forced evacuation that followed, 13 service members lost their lives.

Still, after the last U.S. transport plane left Kabul on the day of the Taliban-set deadline, the president congratulated himself over his administration’s logistical success.

Along with the families of the 13 fallen service members, Biden attended the dignified transfer ceremony of their remains at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. According to some of those present, the president of the United States looked down at his watch after each one of their flag-draped coffins was removed from the plane.

Do you think Boebert's remark during the SOTU address was out of line?

In the clip below, Fox News host Sean Hannity asked Darin Hoover, the father of Marine Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover, “Why did you choose not to meet with the president, Darin?”

He replied, “We said, absolutely not. We didn’t want to deal with him. We didn’t want him anywhere near us. We as a family decided that that was the way it was going to be.”

“In reference to the checking of his watch,” Hoover said, “that didn’t happen just once, that happened on every single one that came out of that airplane. It happened on every single one of them. They would release the salute and he’d look down at his watch. On every last one. All 13 — he looked down at his watch.”

Biden’s own disrespect was on full display. The measure he gave will be the measure he receives.

2. No one will forget the spectacle of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she stood behind then-President Trump when he ended his 2020 State of the Union address. In an unprecedented gesture of disrespect, Pelosi, with a triumphant look on her face, tore up a copy of the speech.

Most liberals were perfectly fine with Pelosi’s provocative act because “Orange Man Bad.”

Maybe the speaker had forgotten her own bad behavior. Asked during her weekly news conference about Boebert’s interruption of Biden’s speech, Pelosi replied, “I think they should just shut up.”

Boebert quickly fired back on Twitter.

“What’s she so torn up about?” the congresswoman said. “I will not ‘shut up’ about Biden’s failure in Afghanistan and the 13 heroes we lost because of it.”

2. Goldberg said, “You poop on them [the military] like the last guy did, talking about those gold star families? Talking about Mr. McCain as not being a hero?”

Boebert’s respect for the military is immense (as is Trump’s). This is likely why Biden’s failure to remember the 13 fallen service members in his address triggered such a nerve in the congresswoman on Tuesday night.

Biden spoke for over an hour. He had time to discuss electric cars and tell us how clean energy production will put $500 in our pockets, leaving out the fact that it will happen over eight years.

Yet the president couldn’t spare a moment to honor 13 individuals, all in the prime of their lives, whose deaths were directly caused by his grave miscalculations.

Goldberg also blamed Boebert for Trump’s careless remarks about McCain’s military service. But it’s ludicrous to condemn the congresswoman for what someone else has said. Doesn’t Whoopi think before she speaks?

It should also be pointed out that Boebert’s shout came before Biden mentioned his son.

3. It’s extremely ironic that Goldberg would lecture anyone about disrespect after the monumental disrespect she showed to victims of the Holocaust just one month ago. Her statement that the Holocaust wasn’t about race was a bridge too far for even the liberals over at ABC, and she was handed a two-week suspension.

The “View” co-host had insisted that the Holocaust “was about man’s inhumanity to man. That’s what it’s about.” She maintained that the mass murder of Jews, arguably the greatest atrocity in modern history, was about “man’s hatred of man” and not about “race.”

Goldberg’s misread of history diminished the Nazis’ blatant racism and dishonored their victims.

4. In her anger, Whoopi chided Boebert, “Who the hell do you think you are, little girl? Who do you think you are?”

If a conservative ever spoke like that about, say, New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is three years younger than Boebert, there would be some pretty fierce backlash. Boebert is 35 years old, an adult by anyone’s standards, and a sitting member of Congress.

Although she is 31 years Goldberg’s junior, the Colorado congresswoman possesses far more wisdom and grace than the sloppy, disrespectful and, frankly, not very smart whiner who spends an hour every weekday passing judgment on others.

Goldberg’s latest tirade simply takes away a little bit more of her waning dignity.

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Elizabeth writes commentary for The Western Journal and The Washington Examiner. Her articles have appeared on many websites, including MSN, RedState, Newsmax, The Federalist and RealClearPolitics. Please follow Elizabeth on Twitter or LinkedIn.
Elizabeth is a contract writer at The Western Journal. Her articles have appeared on many conservative websites including RedState, Newsmax, The Federalist,, HotAir, MSN and RealClearPolitics.

Please follow Elizabeth on Twitter.

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