
Watch Man Tear Apart CHOP Barricade, Implore People To Go Home: 'I'm Sick of This S***'


A mob of anarchists instituted a hostile takeover and have been occupying six city blocks in a neighborhood in Seattle for weeks.

Police, apparently ordered to stand down and allow the lawlessness by Democratic Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, have stood by idly as their department’s east precinct has remained in the hands of the leftist activists.

We’ve had a month of lawlessness around the country — ever since the death of George Floyd on May 25 after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes during an arrest.

But the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest zone, or the CHOP, was partially dismantled this week by a man who had apparently grown fed up with the anarchy.

In the vacuum created by the absence of leadership, acts of gun and other violence are becoming a regular occurrence in the area.

In this case, it took a bit of old-fashioned street justice to take on the protest zone and its inhabitants.

This should not, of course, be read as a statement of support for vigilantism.

Do you support the man in the video's actions?

Due process, the rule of law and civility must always prevail.

But what are people to do when the fundamental principles on which the country was founded are looked upon with indifference by those in government?

Apparently in Seattle, the answer is to take a cue from the anarchists and use their methods against them.

The jaded man was captured on video challenging the CHOP’s collective nihilism — taking down the leftists’ barriers and berating them for the mess they’ve made of the area.

It is unclear who the man is or if he was once part of the neighborhood’s occupation, but he wasn’t swayed when a CHOP resident appeared to pull out a knife and challenged him.

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It’s hard to tell exactly what happened next, but as TheBlaze reported, it looks as though the man produced a handgun, and threat of superior firepower was apparently enough to deter the potential attacker.

WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive:

The one-man posse appeared to put his gun away after other people in the vicinity helped to cool down the tense situation.

The man proceeded to tear down the CHOP’s barriers, which he had already begun doing before being confronted by the man with the knife.

One by one, he threw the barriers aside and laid waste to the area.

The occupiers attempted to reason with him, but to no avail.

“I’m sick of this s—! F— all you guys! Go home!” he declared.

“Take this s— to the hood,” he also said.

Ironically, one apparent resident of the CHOP accused him of destroying property. That’s rich.

But the man, who is black, would go on to chastise those in the CHOP for apparently following the lead of white leftists.

The man is now being praised online for having the courage to challenge a mob, which is something Democratic officials refused to do, even after multiple shootings in the area and other acts of criminal violence.

Despite the fundamental breakdown of social order in the so-called autonomous zone, one thing has remained true since the introduction of firearms into society: Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.

Mayor Durkan’s “summer of love” is over, that’s for sure.

But Democrats had nothing to do with taking on the mob of anarchists and socialists.

In the absence of leadership, it took the impatience of one man to put the so-called demonstrators in their place.

What else are you supposed to do when your leaders refuse to restore order?

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.

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