
Watch: John Kennedy Spars with Fox Host, Calls Kamala Harris a 'Ding-Dong' During Wild Segment


Editor’s Note: Our readers responded strongly to this story when it originally ran; we’re reposting it here in case you missed it. 

Fox News host Neil Cavuto bickered with Sen. John Kennedy after the Louisiana Republican said polls show that many Americans view Vice President Kamala Harris as a low-IQ, radical leftist.

“Fair or not — and it may upset you — but fair or not the American people think, those who have an opinion of the vice president, think that, number one, she’s a little bit of a ding-dong,” Kennedy said when asked about polls on the July 29 edition of  “Your World.”

“And number two, that she is a member of the loon wing of the Democratic Party.”

Cavuto pushed back, saying name-calling isn’t an effective strategy to take against Harris, who’s supposedly surging in the polls against former President Donald Trump.

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“Well, I’m sorry if that offends you, Neil,” Kennedy said. “But I’m just telling you what the people of America think based on the polling that I’ve seen.”

Kennedy reiterated that polls indicate that many Americans think Harris is a “ding-dong” and “not a serious person.”

Do you like John Kennedy?

“They’ve had one vegetable-in-chief. They don’t want another,” he said. “And they also think that she is a member of the loon wing of the Democratic Party.

“She’s a San Francisco Democrat. She believes in abortion on demand,” he added. “She believes in an open border. She thinks cops are a bigger problem than criminals. She’s proud of what she and the president did in Afghanistan.”

“I’m just wondering how you think that will resonate with women, when she’s called ‘nasty’ and ‘crazy’ and a ‘ding-dong,'” Cavuto replied. “I’m just wondering, do you worry how that comes across?”

Cavuto added: “And maybe you draw no distinction between a female candidate and male one, and that’s fair game. But this could hurt you with female voters with these type of comments.”

Kennedy underscored that he’s not going to pull punches simply because Harris is a woman.

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“The vice president is a candidate for president of the United States,” the senator pointed out. “I don’t care about her gender, Neil. Maybe you do, but I don’t. I don’t care about her race.”

In response, Cavuto again suggested that calling Harris “dumb” is sexist, as if stupidity is solely a female trait.

By berating Kennedy for calling Harris a clueless DEI hire that many Americans do think is a “ding-dong” and a far-left loon, the Fox News host betrayed his own misogyny.

Many of us women agree with the senator that Kamala Harris is an incompetent radical whose far-left policies could destroy the United States.

Cavuto’s insistence that Republicans treat a presidential candidate with kid gloves simply because she’s female is itself patronizing and sexist.

Harris and countless other Democrats have repeatedly maligned Trump as a white supremacist, a misogynist and a Russian puppet, among numerous other slanderous names.

If you want to be leader of the free world, you should be able to endure a little name-calling without having effete media hacks leap to your defense at every turn.

Cavuto should stick to being a TV host by asking his guests questions and letting them answer freely, instead of cosplaying as a campaign strategist.

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