
Watch: Byron Donalds Gives Beautiful On-Air Reality Check to Panel of Tone-Deaf CNN Reporters


Rep. Byron Donalds wasn’t backing down.

The Florida Republican was a voice of reason during the panel discussion Wednesday night after CNN’s town hall with former President Donald Trump, the leading 2024 GOP contender, in New Hampshire, providing a refreshing reality check about what’s really on the minds of American voters.

And here’s a hint: It isn’t what obsesses the liberals in charge of CNN.

Donalds was joined in the conservative camp by David Urban, a CNN commentator, but he didn’t need any help in one segment dealing with the liberal-dominated panel.

While town hall anchor Kaitlan Collins spent most of her time attacking Trump (unsuccessfully, as the response by both viewers and the audience showed), the panelists afterward also tried to keep the focus on the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion, the continuing dispute over the 2020 election brought the argument back to the present.

And how that will affect the political future.

Independent voters, Donalds said, are “focused on the things that are affecting their families, first and foremost.”

Check it out here:

“Has my child actually caught up from being locked out of schools for two years?” he said. “Is fentanyl, which is a major issue in so many communities around our country, is the president going to do the job of securing our border and stopping the drug cartels from having operational control of our southern border?

“Are we going to maintain the dollar as the world’s reserve currency while China is trying to negotiate around the United States?

“Inflation, yes, the year-over-year number is trending down, but the impact of inflation on the American family has completely devalued their wages over the last two years.

“Those are the things that really matter to Americans. “

And the social media reaction showed he struck a nerve.

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Donalds nailed it — even if the language he used might not be exactly how the issues are being talked about over the kitchen table, in corner bars and in grocery store aisles.

The dollar being the world’s reserve currency isn’t something most Americans think much about, for instance; we just assume it because that’s the way the world has always been.

It took the incredible ineptitude of the Joe Biden presidency to even make that a question.

There is nothing liberals want more than for American politics to be dominated by discussions about Jan. 6. They’ve been hyping it, and lying about it, for the past two years.

There’s nothing they want less than for the country to focus on the issues of the present and the future — the very same issues where the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress have failed the country so miserably.

Do you agree with Byron Donalds?

The crisis on the border started even before Biden took the oath of office, when it was clear that Trump-era border security was on its way out. The inflation that has racked the country’s consumers — eating away at savings and destroying the buying power of people’s paychecks — is a direct result of massive federal spending binges under Biden and his party. (The laughably named “Inflation Reduction Act” isn’t going to change that.)

Democrats don’t want to talk about that.

Or about how Biden’s disastrous foreign policies — such as abandoning Afghanistan and essentially inviting the Russian invasion of Ukraine — have shaken the faith of U.S. allies and made the world more dangerous for his country.

They don’t want to talk about the rising stench of corruption surrounding the Biden White House and the grifting Biden family.

These are matters of the here and now, and of the immediate future. But Democrats and the establishment media want to keep Americans distracted with talk of their version of the past and the Trump presidency.

Byron Donalds had a different idea, and he wasn’t backing down.

And it was a beautiful thing.

CORRECTION, May 11, 2023: An earlier version of this article misspelled the first name of Rep. Byron Donalds.

CORRECTION, May 15, 2023: Donalds is in his second term in the House of Representatives. An earlier version of this post misstated his length of service.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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