
WaPo Fact Checks Trump, Concludes Burgers at Clemson Dinner Weren't Piled a Mile High


This is how they defend democracy?

The Washington Post conducted an extensive fact-check published Tuesday — complete with a diagram and table — about the hamburgers President Donald Trump bought for the Clemson Tigers football team to celebrate the national champions’ visit to the White House on Monday.

Trump purchased the team hamburgers, salads, french fries and pizza because the government shutdown has left the White House kitchen inoperable.

“Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamburgers etc. Within one hour, it was all gone. Great guys and big eaters!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday morning.

During the dinner, Trump made similar comments. He said that 1,000 hamburgers were “piled up a mile high.”

Obviously, Trump was exaggerating. He probably chose an arbitrary number like 1,000 as a way to say that he bought a lot of food.

Additionally, nobody really believed that the hamburgers were piled up a mile high. It was obviously a figure of speech.

But the geniuses over at The Post needed a 1,200-word “Analysis” to conclude that Trump was speaking figuratively.

The liberal outlet — the one with the motto “Democracy Dies in Darkness” — created a color-coded diagram accompanied by a table in order to estimate the amount of food Trump purchased.

“This total includes 319 sandwiches, 177 of which were hamburgers,” the article concluded.

It also concluded that the burgers were never actually piled up a mile high.

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“FACT CHECK: At two inches each, a thousand burgers would not reach one mile high.”

Will liberals attack Trump over anything?

Granted there’s an element of tongue-in-cheek humor to the column, but this is no satirical send-up of either the White House or White House-obsessed journalism. And the overriding theme was neither humorous nor particularly enlightening.

What it is is another sign that liberals are dead serious about criticizing, or mocking, everything to do with the Trump White House — even if it’s something as harmless as a burger banquet for a national championship football team.

The reality is that The Post took the time to plot out how much food Trump purchased because the outlet saw an opportunity to attack him.

This is what journalism in the 21st century looks like.

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Malachi Bailey is a writer from Ohio with a background in history, education and philosophy. He has led multiple conservative groups and is dedicated to the principles of free speech, privacy and peace.
Malachi Bailey is a writer from Ohio with a passion for free speech, privacy and peace. He graduated from the College of Wooster with a B.A. in History. While at Wooster, he served as the Treasurer for the Wooster Conservatives and the Vice President for the Young Americans for Liberty.
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