
TX Gov: My Job Is Now to Prevent President Biden from Importing COVID-19 to My State


Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he has been forced to take matters into his own hands to protect public safety because President Joe Biden refuses to do his job and secure the nation’s southern border.

On Wednesday, Abbott issued an executive order banning the ground transportation of illegal aliens who are infected or potentially infected with COVID-19 into Texas communities.

The governor cited “a 900 percent increase in the number of migrant detainees who tested positive for COVID-19 in the Rio Grande Valley” sector — as one of the key reasons why he issued his order.

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The order also directs the Texas Department of Public Safety to stop any vehicle “upon reasonable suspicion of such violation and reroute such vehicles back to its point of origin or a port of entry.”

Any vehicle that violates the executive order will be impounded, the governor warned.

Abbott said the record recent spike in illegal border crossings has led to a catastrophic increase in coronavirus infections among illegal aliens, who are then released across Texas and the United States by the Biden administration.

Do you approve of Abbott's executive order?

This is not only a national security issue but a public safety threat amid the ongoing pandemic that Biden, the Democrats and their media puppets have been fearmongering over.

“The dramatic rise in unlawful border crossings has also led to a dramatic rise in COVID-19 cases among unlawful migrants who have made their way into our state,” Abbott said in a statement Wednesday.

“This Executive Order will reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure in our communities.”

The governor signed his order two days after the police department in border town La Joya posted a public health announcement on Facebook warning that a family of illegal aliens had been seen coughing and sneezing at a local Whataburger restaurant.

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The “family” members told police it had recently been released by Border Patrol into a local hotel because they were infected with COVID-19.

“The Officer approached the family and was told by them that they had been apprehended by Border Patrol days prior and were released because they were sick with Covid-19,” the La Joya Police Department said.

“Officers also observed that a group of 20 to 30 [illegal aliens] staying at the hotel were out and about, the majority without face masks.”

The police also learned that illegal aliens who tested positive for the coronavirus or exhibited symptoms were initially quarantined by Border Patrol, but then later released “to Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, to be placed in hotels in the McAllen area as well as La Joya.”

Are you getting this? Groups of infected or symptomatic illegal aliens are being mass-released into local cities and towns on the orders of the Biden administration.

These reckless actions undermine Biden’s dire warnings about the coronavirus and his browbeating to Americans to get vaccinated and wear face masks everywhere.

Why are American citizens being forced to submit to mask mandates and vaccine bullying while illegal aliens infected with COVID-19 are allowed to roam free without masks, coughing and sneezing all over local restaurant patrons?

Abbott said it’s because Biden cares more about illegal aliens than he does about law-abiding American citizens and legal residents.

“Obviously, it shows that the Biden administration cares more about people who are not residents of America than he does of the residents of America,” the governor told told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday.

Abbott said Biden has a double standard, where he imposes harsh restrictions on taxpaying Americans while conferring unearned freedom on illegal aliens who aren’t even supposed to be here in the first place.

“What the Biden administration is doing is deadly, it’s dangerous and it must be stopped,” he said. “And that’s what my executive order that I issued today tries to achieve.”

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