
Tucker Exposes Actual Gender Experiments on Grade School Children


Book author Ryan Anderson discussed the transgender experiments performed on grade school children on Tucker Carlson tonight.

The author of “When Harry Became Sally” and a senior research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation told the Fox News host that people have been prescribing “puberty-blocking drugs and then prescribing cross-sex hormones to try and transition” school-age kids.

There is not any evidence yet that shows that this transition prescription will actually work.

“They’re conducting an experiment on children, we have no idea what the consequences are of blocking a child’s puberty and then giving a child estrogen or testosterone, the opposite sex’s sex hormone,” Anderson said.

Carlson asked how people are okay with these tests being performed.

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“The experts think they can correctly identify which children are truly transgender and only block their puberty,” Anderson said.

Carlson responded, “Is there a blood test for that?”

Truly transgender children, for the sake of the experiments, are identified as “insistent, consistent, persistent,” according to Anderson.

Kids as young as five are encouraged to “socially transition,” which means they change their gender with a different name and pronoun, and dress as the opposite gender.

Do you think these experiments should be stopped?

Carlson pointed out that many questions about the topic are shut down, to which Anderson points out, “The left doesn’t want to have a conversation.”

Anderson decided to write his controversial book to tell people about the science behind the transgender ideology.

“The best science shows 80-95 percent of children with a gender identity conflict will grow out of it,” he said. “The best science shows 41 percent of people who identify as transgender will attempt suicide. And that people, after they have sex reassignment surgery, are 19 times more likely to die by suicide.”

These tragic statistics show the need for an open conversation about the issue, according to Anderson.

“We need to have a more compassionate and effective response to these people,” he said.

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Anderson’s new book has already created an uproar by raising questions about gender dysphoria, according to The Washington Post.

“We need to respect the dignity of people who identify as transgender,” he says in the book, “but without encouraging children to undergo experimental transition treatments, and without trampling on the needs and interests of others.”

He told the post, “Activists want to silence and shame anyone who questions transgender ideology. But there’s too much at stake to remain silent, for what’s at stake is nothing less than the human person.”

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Erin Coates was an editor for The Western Journal for over two years before becoming a news writer. A University of Oregon graduate, Erin has conducted research in data journalism and contributed to various publications as a writer and editor.
Erin Coates was an editor for The Western Journal for over two years before becoming a news writer. She grew up in San Diego, California, proceeding to attend the University of Oregon and graduate with honors holding a degree in journalism. During her time in Oregon, Erin was an associate editor for Ethos Magazine and a freelance writer for Eugene Magazine. She has conducted research in data journalism, which has been published in the book “Data Journalism: Past, Present and Future.” Erin is an avid runner with a heart for encouraging young girls and has served as a coach for the organization Girls on the Run. As a writer and editor, Erin strives to promote social dialogue and tell the story of those around her.
Tucson, Arizona
Graduated with Honors
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, University of Oregon
Books Written
Contributor for Data Journalism: Past, Present and Future
Prescott, Arizona
Languages Spoken
English, French
Topics of Expertise
Politics, Health, Entertainment, Faith

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