
Trump Surges in New Poll, Especially in Battleground States


A new CNN poll about the race between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden shows what amounts to a statistical dead heat among registered voters nationwide and a virtual tie in battleground states.

The poll found that 50 percent of those polled support Biden while 46 percent support Trump. However, the margin of error for results among registered voters is 4 percentage points, making the results about even.

The poll was of 1,108 adults, not registered or likely voters. It’s not solid ground for predicting voter behavior in November, but it may indicate what Americans are thinking as the election looms near — especially when compared with a similar poll conducted in June.

For example, the poll found that since the June CNN poll, Biden has slipped by 5 percentage points in the poll while the president has gathered strength. In June, the former vice president was at 55 percent support while Trump was at 41.

Among registered voters in 15 battleground states, Biden eked out a 1-point lead over Trump in the new poll, 49 percent to 48. The poll’s margin of error for registered voters in battleground states is 5.4 percent, again meaning that the poll shows the candidates roughly even.

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The battleground states show a stark difference in who supports each candidate.

What the poll lists as “people of color” support Biden 66 percent to 33 percent. However, among white voters, Trump leads Biden 55 to 40.

The poll’s breakdown also showed that among registered voters in the battleground states, Biden had stronger support than Trump among respondents making less than $50,000 a year at 55 to 41, while Trump was supported by individuals making above $50,000 per year at 51 to 46.

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A breakdown of the national poll figures show the president gaining strength since the June CNN poll.

Trump is supported by 56 percent of men to 40 percent for Biden, after the June poll showed a roughly even divide.

The incumbent has also closed a gap among independent voters. In June, the CNN poll showed Biden with a 11-point lead, 52 to 41, but that has since shriveled to 1 point, 46 to 45.

Trump’s stronger standing with independents as the race moves forward includes his having cut in half the percentage of Republicans or Republican-leaning independents who said they would support Biden. That number now stands at only 4 percent.

The poll found that the economy, the coronavirus, health care, gun policy and race relations emerged as the top issues overall, but each candidate’s supporters ranked them very differently.

The poll found 70 percent of Biden supporters put the coronavirus as the top issue, against only 24 percent of Trump supports.

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The president’s backers listed the economy as the top issue at 57 percent, while 37 percent of Biden’s supporters did so.

Immigration, which CNN said was rated as extremely important by 43 percent of Americans a year ago, was rated that way by only 34 percent of Americans in this poll.

The poll was conducted via phone among a random national sample of 1,108 adults between Aug. 12 and Aug. 15.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at
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