
Trump Demands Immediate Return of Undocumented Immigrants: 'No Judges Or Court Cases’


After a week in which President Donald Trump was assailed by liberals for his “zero- tolerance” immigration policy designed to seal the porous Southern Border, Trump doubled down on his “strong borders” philosophy Sunday by tweeting that current policies are not tough enough.

“We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order. Most children come without parents,” Trump tweeted.

The tweet was immediately pounced upon by Trump’s critics.

The Washington Post, for example, headlined its story on Trump’s tweets as, “Trump Advocates Depriving Undocumented Immigrants of Due-Process Rights.”

Trump last week disputed comments from those who said more judges are needed to try cases.

Do you support President Donald Trump's immigration policies?
“I don’t want judges,” Trump said Tuesday. “I want border security. I don’t want to try people. I don’t want people coming in. Do you know, if a person comes in and puts one foot on our ground, it’s essentially, ‘Welcome to America, welcome to our country.’ You never get them out, because they take their name, they bring the name down, they file it, then they let the person go. They say, ‘Show back up to court in one year from now.’”

In a tweet on Sunday, Trump said a porous border makes a mockery of the struggles of legal immigrants to enter America.

“Our Immigration policy, laughed at all over the world, is very unfair to all of those people who have gone through the system legally and are waiting on line for years! Immigration must be based on merit – we need people who will help to Make America Great Again!” Trump tweeted.

During a speech in Nevada on Saturday, Trump spoke about the need for strong borders, and noted that the policy his critics are attacking was pursued without criticism by his predecessors.

“Everybody sees but this is the same sight that Obama had, that Bush had. Same sight,” Trump said, according to The Guardian. “It’s the same thing. In fact they said, ‘Look at this sight, look at President Trump, look at this picture.’ Excuse me, it was 2014 and it was President Obama. OK?”

“Our people are actually doing a very good job handling a very difficult situation, but this is a problem that should have been solved years ago,” he said. “So we’re working very hard. The fact is we need more Republicans because the Democrats are obstructionists. They won’t vote.”

Trump contrasted the positions of the two parties on immigration.

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“Our issue is: strong borders, no crime. Their issue is: open borders, let MS-13 all over our country. That’s what’s going to happen if you listen to them,” the president said.

On Sunday, Trump once again urged that Democrats in Congress pass laws to create a strong border.

“Democrats, fix the laws. Don’t RESIST. We are doing a far better job than Bush and Obama, but we need strength and security at the Border! Cannot accept all of the people trying to break into our Country. Strong Borders, No Crime!” Trump tweeted.

The House this week will take up legislation on the immigration issue.

Rep. Michael McCaul said Sunday that Trump was “100-percent” behind the moderate bill he will propose, Politico reported.

The Texas Republican said he conferred with the White House on Saturday about the bill.

“I do think there are 218 Republicans that agree with the four pillars of border security,” McCaul said.

The bill would provide a path to citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants, end family separation, limit immigration and fund a border wall. He said he was optimistic about the bill’s prospects Sunday.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at
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