
Trump Blasts GM for Closing American Plant: 'Bring Jobs Home'


President Donald Trump reacted angrily Monday to General Motors’ plans to close its Lordsburg, Ohio, plant, telling GM to “Bring jobs home!”

“General Motors and the UAW are going to start ‘talks’ in September/October. Why wait, start them now! I want jobs to stay in the U.S.A. and want Lordstown (Ohio), in one of the best economies in our history, opened or sold to a company who will open it up fast! Car companies are all coming back to the U.S. So is everyone else. We now have the best Economy in the World, the envy of all. Get that big, beautiful plant in Ohio open now. Close a plant in China or Mexico, where you invested so heavily pre-Trump, but not in the U.S.A. Bring jobs home!” Trump said in a pair of Monday tweets.

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Trump noted that he was taking his concerns to the top at GM.

“Just spoke to Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors about the Lordstown Ohio plant. I am not happy that it is closed when everything else in our Country is BOOMING. I asked her to sell it or do something quickly. She blamed the UAW Union — I don’t care, I just want it open!” he tweeted Sunday.

Trump also had harsh words for the United Auto Workers local representing employees at the plant.

“Democrat UAW Local 1112 President David Green ought to get his act together and produce. G.M. let our Country down, but other much better car companies are coming into the U.S. in droves. I want action on Lordstown fast. Stop complaining and get the job done! 3.8% Unemployment!” Trump tweeted.

Trump had also bashed GM on Saturday in a tweet.

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“Because the economy is so good, General Motors must get their Lordstown, Ohio, plant open, maybe in a different form or with a new owner, FAST! Toyota is investing 13.5 $Billion in U.S., others likewise. G.M. MUST ACT QUICKLY. Time is of the essence!” he tweeted

Trump’s weekend comments produced a statement from the company.

“To be clear, under the terms of the UAW-GM National Agreement, the ultimate future of the unallocated plants will be resolved between GM and the UAW,” GM said in its statement, CNN reported.

GM said it was shifting employees to areas “where we have growth opportunities.”

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“We have now placed over 1,000 employees from our unallocated plants to other GM locations, and we have opportunities available for virtually all impacted employees,” it added.

GM had announced last year that Lordsburg, which had 1,435 workers there at the time of the announcement, would be closing, CNN reported. Production at the plant, which formerly made the Chevy Cruze, ended this month.

GM has announced that it will close four other plants across North America by early next year, CBS reported.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at
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