
Is Thriving for Christ Possible in a World That Promotes Sin?


Jesus makes it clear, abundant life begins now for those who are in Himself.

He declares, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

The misconception within the Christian life is to imagine Heaven as the beginning of abundant life, but that view is incomplete.

Certainly, Heaven, more specifically — eternity with God, is something to long for, but God starts to work in our lives now.

If we are in Christ, God desires us to have abundant life. How is this possible in a world that is resistant to God? Can we really live life to its fullest when the world promotes sin and despises righteousness? Is thriving for Christ possible when our surroundings look like the opposite of Heaven?

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The answer to all these questions is a resounding yes!

Scripture lets us know that we are in the world but not of the world (1 John 2:15-17). Our yearning for Christ’s return and recognition that we belong to the Kingdom of God (Philippians 3:20) gives us motivation and joy to live life for God’s glory.

We should remind ourselves that our struggling, frustrations, and hardships in this life are only temporal.

Sons and daughters of the Most High are called to walk in faith (2 Corinthians 5:7). We experience God working in and through us as we step out in faith and obedience.

Think about it: We are living in a unique time in the history of creation. We are privileged to be used by God for His glory, while walking in faith.

One of the focal means for glorifying Him is by pointing others to Jesus (Matthew 5:16). When we are reigning with God in Heaven (2 Timothy 2:12), there will be no need to evangelize. Everyone there will be part of the family of God (1 John 3:1-2)!

As we remind ourselves of the promises we have in Christ, we begin to find joy in living life … even in the difficulties. How energizing is it to see God using you in others’ lives?

Do you find encouragement in seeing God answer prayers — whether for growth, healing, provision, peace, etc.?

My encouragement for all Christians is to pray for the growth of faith (2 Thessalonians 1:3) because it is through faith that we please God (Hebrews 11:6) and experience His abundant life.

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Also, pray that God would help us to see His work in the world around us. When we recognize His work, we can rejoice and join in the action.

This recognition gives the believer the proper perspective … the world is not a hopeless cause, but rather an opportunity to make an impact for the Kingdom of God.

Will you choose to live today in the abundant life that is found only in Christ? Nothing else will satisfy.

This article appeared originally on Liftable.

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Dr. Randall Downs is from Alabama. He received his Master of Divinity (2011) and his PhD in Church History (2018) from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in Tennessee. Randall currently serves as Worship Pastor at CrossLife Church in Arizona. Randall is also the singer, guitarist, and songwriter for the folk/folk-rock band, Loser’s Way Home.
Dr. Randall Downs is from Alabama. He received his Master of Divinity (2011) and his PhD in Church History (2018) from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in Tennessee. Randall currently serves as Worship Pastor at CrossLife Church in Arizona. Randall is also the singer, guitarist, and songwriter for the folk/folk-rock band, Loser’s Way Home.
