
The Top 5 Patriotic Cities in the US - Did Yours Make the Cut?


Here are some of the most patriotic cities in the United States that you should check out on Memorial Day or any time of the year.


The Liberty Bell, Betsy Ross’ House, Independence Hall and the Constitution Museum are some of the many attractions that this city offers.

Philadelphia even has colonial re-enactors walking around Independence Hall to truly allow tourists to walk back in time and experience American history.

Washington, D.C.

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America’s capital includes the Capitol, White House, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument and more to help visitors get into the patriotic spirit.

The city also has several historical attractions nearby, such as Thomas Jefferson’s house Monticello and George Washington’s house Mount Vernon, which are both located in Virginia.

St. Louis

This Midwestern city made the cut due to its Gateway Arch, which commemorates America’s westward expansion and pays homage to Thomas Jefferson’s role in encouraging people to venture into the West following the Louisiana Purchase, according to the National Park Service.

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A museum is also opening in July about American pioneers and Native Americans, the Gateway Arch’s tourist site reported.


This New England city is the birthplace of freedom and American political thought.

Tourists can see sites that commemorate the American Revolution, such as the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere’s house and the Battle of Bunker Hill.

They also can travel a little outside the city to see the Mayflower and Salem, which is known for its witch trials during Puritan times.

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Dallas-Fort Worth

Tourists can step back in time to experience the history of Texan culture with two museums, one specifically about cowgirls and another about cowboys.

The city also boasts the George W. Bush Presidential Center and Library.

Texas is known for its statewide patriotism and comes in fifth place for the highest average number of people who enlist in the military, according to Wallet Hub.

Go to one of these cities to celebrate America!

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