
Ted Cruz Blasts Portland Mayor for Enabling 'Domestic Terrorists,' Calls for Investigation


The politicians and activists who essentially outsource their dirty work to antifa thugs should be running scared right about now.

On Sunday, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz called for Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler to be held accountable, claiming that the Oregon politician had his police force stand down at an Antifa rally this weekend, ultimately causing a conservative journalist to be viciously attacked.

“To federal law enforcement: investigate & bring legal action against a Mayor who has, for political reasons, ordered his police officers to let citizens be attacked by domestic terrorists,” Cruz tweeted.

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The demand from Cruz comes as Andy Ngo — a conservative journalist in Portland — was in the hospital Saturday after antifa agents mobbed him. They took his recording equipment and threw projectiles at him, including milkshakes, according to The Washington Times.

Support for the gay conservative journalist in the aftermath of the attack was incredible, both on social media and from Washington, D.C.

Richard Grenell, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, chimed in and referred to the assault as planned by “intolerant radicals.”

“This was a pre-meditated attack on someone because intolerant radicals don’t like that Andy happens to be gay, Asian and conservative. They targeted him publicly before their protest. Mayor @tedwheeler knew this was coming. The people of Oregon must speak up today,” he said.

Should police be able to stop antifa thugs from committing violence?

Grenell followed up by calling for the Department of Justice to take a deeper look into what transpired.

“I have asked @TheJusticeDept to investigate this incident in Portland. I can’t just sit by and watch my friend be brutally attacked,” he said.

Antifa was part of Portland Democratic Socialists of America’s larger protest, which set out to dwarf the few dozen people who were part of attending far-right groups Proud Boys and Him Too.

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Despite the chaos between the fringe political factions, Wheeler issued no public comment about the situation, causing further scrutiny of his intentions.

Peter Boghossian, a Portland State University professor, called for the impeachment of Wheeler, saying, “He’s allowing street thugs to assault journalists, blockade hospitals, and pull pedestrians out of their cars. His behavior is disgraceful and impeachment proceedings must begin immediately. @MrAndyNgo.”

The Washington Times reported that John Noonan — senior counselor for military and defense affairs for Sen. Tom Cotton — said that Wheeler’s streets are “straight out of Mad Max Thunderdome” and that this clash is “a giant, glaring failure of leadership.”

The only reason antifa continues to exist is because in the cities where they perform their violence, officials shirk responsibilities that would protect innocent people.

America’s law enforcement must be free to do what they’re hired to do, and that is to protect innocent civilians, including journalists. Far too often, in many Democrat-led cities, police are given stand-down orders from those who seemingly kowtow to the offenders.

That happened in Baltimore in 2015 during the riots. Its force was told by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to stand down against large mobs of violent, projectile-throwing people, according to a Fox News report.

Violent leftist groups such as antifa that disturb the peace, attack innocent civilians and deface public property need to understand that while they have the right to protest, they do not have the right to be violent.

The cowardly mayor of Portland should be held accountable for letting journalists be attacked in the streets by what amount to domestic terror groups.

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Ryan Ledendecker is a former writer for The Western Journal.
Ryan Ledendecker is a former writer for The Western Journal.
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