
Taxpayer Money Used To Hire Transgender Stripper for 'Homelessness' Conference


A taxpayer-funded conference on solving homelessness in Seattle featured a transgender stripper.

Video from the Dec. 9 event surfaced on Twitter Saturday, showing the stripper, who goes by the name Beyoncé Black St. James, twerking on and kissing attendees.

“Last week, Seattle and King County leaders hired transgender stripper Beyoncé Black St. James to perform at their annual conference on solving homelessness,” City Journal editor Christopher Rufo, a former Seattle City Council candidate, wrote in a tweet Saturday.

“Here’s how they’re using taxpayer money,” he added, alongside video from the performance.

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The video is not included in the tweet embedded below because of the sensitive nature of its contents. Viewer discretion advised.

“As the video shows, the programming has nothing to do with helping people on the streets—it’s about affirming a radical ideology that puts identity politics above solving real problems,” Rufo wrote in another tweet.

“For years, Seattle has claimed that it ‘needs more resources’ to solve homelessness, but as the video shows, they find it totally appropriate to pay for a transgender stripper to grind on members of the region’s homelessness nonprofits and taxpayer-funded organizations,” he added.

The annual event was organized by All Home, the coordinating agency for homelessness in King County, which includes the city of Seattle, where the event took place, the Seattle Times reported.

The agency’s director, Kira Zylstra, has been put on paid leave pending an investigation, according to the paper, which noted that Zylstra earns roughly $123,000 a year.

As of Dec. 16, Zylstra had resigned from her position, according to KIRO-TV.

At a Seattle City Council meeting discussing the creation of the first Regional Homeless Authority in King County, a homeless veteran said this incident provides the “perfect opportunity to break up All”

“Allowing employees to get their cheap thrills at the expense of innocent homeless faced with another cold winter,” David Haines said.

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Although Zylstra has resigned, the King Country Community and Human Services department is continuing its investigation into the incident.

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A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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