Pete Marovich - Pool / Getty ImagesCommentary Trump Program Saved $160 Billion, Cut Regulatory Costs 90% - Biden Killed It President Biden continues his trend of costing the country large amounts of money in order to overturn the policies of his predecessor. By Grant Atkinson February 26, 2021
Mandel Ngan - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Honeymoon's Over: New Survey on Government Control Is Bad News for Biden The poll found that over half of all respondents believed government regulations were bad for the economy. By C. Douglas Golden February 16, 2021
Branden Eastwood / AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary Distillers That Came to Rescue by Brewing Hand Sanitizer Got Nasty Surprise from FDA Alcohol distillers who stepped up to make hand sanitizer were shocked to learn about a surprise bill they'd have to pay, courtesy of the FDA By Johnathan Jones January 2, 2021
ShutterstockCommentary Trump Mocked for Cutting Shower Rule, but Original Obama Regulation Was So Bad It Was Mistaken for a Scam Mockery of the president's hair is widespread in criticisms of the administration's decision. By Jared Harris August 13, 2020
Tasos Katopodis-Pool / Getty Images House Dems Trying To Undo Trump Economy with Obama-Era Reg That Cost Thousands of Jobs House Democrats are trying to restore what a business group describes as a job-killing regulation from the Obama era. By Jack Davis July 12, 2020
Al Bello / Getty ImagesCommentary CA County Now Using COVID To Dictate How & Where People Can Drive 'Since day one, these orders have been ridiculously difficult to enforce.' By A. J. Sciascia May 10, 2020
Johannes Eisele / AFP via Getty ImagesOp-Ed Walter Block: Is the Coronavirus the Fault of Government? If government bureaucrats ceased and desisted from these uneconomic activities of theirs, we might be four times as rich as at present. By Walter E. Block April 27, 2020
Justin Sullivan / Getty ImagesCommentary Thanks to Big Labor and California’s Dem Gov, Hiring Medical Help Is Ridiculously Difficult Gov. Newsom refuses to back off of a controversial labor law that is making it difficult for hospitals to hire and for citizens to find part-time work. By Johnathan Jones April 21, 2020
Ethan Miller / Getty Images; Alex Wong / Getty ImagesCommentary Ron Paul Says Fauci Needs To Be Removed; 'If Not by Trump, Then by the American People' Paul would also suggest Fauci's frequently overstated estimates and sensational rhetoric seemed to be informed primarily by 'authoritarianism.' By A. J. Sciascia April 13, 2020
Sean Gallup / Getty ImagesCommentary Trump Cuts Through More Obama Red Tape, Rolls Back Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Regulations On Tuesday, the Trump administration released fuel efficiency standards that will make new vehicles more affordable -- and that's just for starters. By C. Douglas Golden April 1, 2020