Atta Kenare - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Dennis Prager: To Leftists Around the World, Israel Is the Villain, Not Iran Many liberals weren't happy when Iranian top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated. Dennis Prager explains why. By Dennis Prager November 30, 2020
Charles Krupa / APCommentary Bombshell Report: Comey Had It in Writing That Hillary Was Behind Trump-Russia Smear 'What did Biden know about Clinton’s plan to use the Russia Hoax to try to smear her political opponent?' the Trump campaign asked. By Joe Saunders October 11, 2020
Alyssa Pointer - Pool / AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary Newly Declassified Doc Exposes Obama Role in Hillary's Russia 'Collusion' Plot Against Trump The mainstream media will try to bury this story, but conservatives know better. This isn't about 2016 anymore. By Joe Saunders October 7, 2020
David Hume Kennerly / Getty Images DNI Declassifies Bombshell Clinton-Russia Collusion Documents Director of national intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified documents regarding Hillary Clinton's alleged plot to link Trump to Russia. By Chuck Ross October 6, 2020
Spencer Platt / Getty Images Trump Insider Releasing Ominous 'Plot Against the President' Doc Film Set To Expose DC Underbelly 'The Plot Against the President' is based on the bestselling book of the same name by investigative journalist Lee Smith. By Randy DeSoto September 2, 2020
Jim Watson / AFP via Getty Images Senate Committee Gives Green Light To Subpoena Obama Officials Sen. Johnson has the authority to subpoena James Comey, Susan Rice and John Brennan, among other Obama administration officials. By Erin Coates June 6, 2020
Paul J. Richards / AFP via Getty Images In Midst of Flynn Unmasking Scandal, Trump Reveals What He Thinks Obama Was Really Doing 'It was impossible for it to happen without the man that sits right in that chair in the Oval Office. He knew everything.' By Jack Davis May 18, 2020
Drew Angerer / Getty ImagesCommentary Brennan Furious After Intel Chief Unmasks Individuals Who Unmasked Flynn and Thought They'd Get Away with It In an appearance on MSNBC , John Brennan fulminated against the Trump administration for declassifying the names of those who unmasked Flynn. By C. Douglas Golden May 16, 2020
Mandel Ngan/ AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary Biden's Name on List in Flynn's Case Makes That 'GMA' Interview Look Even Worse Than It Was According to Fox News, Biden’s name was among top members of the Obama administration who made requests to 'unmask' Flynn’s identity. By Joe Saunders May 13, 2020
Nicholas Kamm / AFP via Getty ImagesOp-Ed The Deep State Didn't Start with Donald Trump 'These globalists detest the “America First” attitude and will do whatever is necessary to subvert that concept. They are mostly socialists.' By Steve Baldwin May 10, 2020