GraphicaArtis / Getty ImagesOp-Ed It's Time to Remember George Washington's Farewell Address 'It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government,' George Washington said. By Star Parker August 24, 2021
Jeff Chiu / APCommentary After Backlash Intensifies, San Francisco May Not Rename Schools After All 'If you aren't here to fight for students, we don't want you here,' one student said to teachers who refuse to reopen schools. By Samantha Chang April 7, 2021
Petr Packa Schneider / Facebook screen shotCommentary Watch: Man with No Arms Expertly Chops Wood in Video That Goes Viral Whenever you want to complain about something, look at this video of a man without arms chopping wood with relative ease. By Garion Frankel April 4, 2021
Derek R. Henkle - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Chicago City Commission Planning New Purge of Monuments, Identifies 41 'Problematic' Statues As murders skyrocket in Chicago, city officials are focused on trying to tear down statues of former presidents and historical figures. By Samantha Chang March 15, 2021
Alex Edelman - AFP / Getty Images; Sasha Mordovets / Getty ImagesCommentary Putin's Former Chief of Staff Calls Trump the 'Modern George Washington,' Reveals Why Globalists Hated Him 'He, like Washington, is the flesh of his people, 100 percent American, a classic self-made man, a living embodiment of the American dream.' By Samantha Chang March 11, 2021
Chicago Sun-Times / Chicago Daily News collection / Chicago History Museum / Getty Images Chicago Considers Removal of Lincoln, Washington Statues as Part of Confronting 'Hard Truths' of City's 'Racial History' Chicago might demolish statues of multiple important historical figures as it confronts its 'racial history.' By Jack Davis February 18, 2021
Hannah McKay - Pool / Getty Images San Francisco School Board Votes to Rename 44 Schools, Including Those Honoring Washington and Lincoln Say goodbye to several historical figures in San Francisco. The city won't open its schools but it will change school names. By Jack Davis January 30, 2021
Hugo Brizard - YouGoPhoto / ShutterstockOp-Ed Op-Ed: 6 Things George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation Urged Us To Be Thankful For 'It seems that the mainstream media and the teaching in most schools and colleges have not encouraged grateful hearts.' By Rita Joseph November 25, 2020
Samuel Corum / AFP via Getty Images Group Commissioned by Dem Mayor Calls To Remove, Rename Iconic DC Memorials A working group commissioned by Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser recommended changes to prominent Washington memorials. By Andrew Kerr September 1, 2020
Stock photo / Getty ImagesCommentary LA Times Publishes Piece Calling for Canceling 'The Star-Spangled Banner,' Here's What He Wants Instead In a piece for the L.A. Times, the writer argued the national athem would be best replaced by a song that's not about America at all. By C. Douglas Golden July 15, 2020