Win McNamee / Getty Images The Biden Administration Just Got Sued by the Leftist ACLU 'We have a duty to allow people to await their immigration proceedings in communities rather than in detention.' By Erin Coates June 30, 2021
Lightfield Studios / ShutterstockCommentary New Jersey Announces It Will House Prison Inmates According to 'Gender Identity' As part of a court settlement, the state is making imprisoned women vulnerable to imprisoned men - criminals by definition. By Johnathan Jones June 30, 2021
Alex Wong / Getty ImagesCommentary Another One Bites the Dust: Trump Exonerated in Another Lawsuit That Was Fueled by Media Lies The continuing collapse of the most celebrated anti-Trump narratives is a window into the corruption of the establishment media. By Kevin Catapano June 23, 2021
Sergio Flores / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: It's Time to Defeat the Left's Pathetic Excuses for Abortion Once and for All 'Ten truths about the legitimacy of constitutional protection for “our Posterity” must be allowed to re-emerge.' By Rita Joseph June 9, 2021
Drew Angerer / Getty ImagesCommentary Terrifying New Way Biden Could Squash Conservative Narratives The Department of Homeland Security is going to be targeting ideas rather than people, which is even more concerning. By Isa Ryan May 10, 2021
Caitlin O'Hara / Getty ImagesCommentary Young Not Stupid: AZ Law Provides Major New Protection Against Gov't Stealing Citizens' Property, Every State Needs This Law 'Police have the ability to seize property with probable cause, usually with crimes such as drug trafficking or possession.' By Cameron Arcand May 10, 2021
@ByronYork / Twitter screen shotCommentary ACLU, Daily Mail Soil Narrative on Daunte Wright, Tweet Unsubstantiated Rumor About Air Freshener When news outlets and activist groups spread misinformation about high-profile events, they're making things worse. By Jack Cowhick April 14, 2021
tommaso79 / Shutterstock The Other 'Public Health' Crisis: Attorney Dismantles ACLU Position on Porn An attorney for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation responded to the ACLU by citing the harms associated with pornography possession. By Samantha Kamman March 18, 2021
Paul Morigi / Getty ImagesCommentary As Big Tech Censors Half of America, ACLU Instead Makes a Stand to Put Men in Women's Sports Here's the real reason that the American Civil Liberties Union is staying largely silent on Big Tech's embargo on open dialogue. By Ameer Benno February 12, 2021
Oli Scarff / AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary Austin: Debunking the ACLU's Defense of Trans Athletes in Women's Sports On Wednesday, the American Civil Liberties Union launched a defense of allowing biological men into women's sports. Here's why they're wrong. By Michael Austin February 7, 2021