
Surprise, Surprise: Angel Moms Visit Pelosi's Office, But She's Nowhere To Be Found


While the partial shutdown of the federal government over an impasse on border security funding drags on to a historic length, Democratic leaders have remained intractable on ceding any ground to President Donald Trump’s request for the necessary funds for border wall construction.

In a bid to break up the Democratic intransigence, a group of Angel Families — mothers and fathers and siblings who’ve lost loved ones to criminal illegal aliens — have attempted to make their voices and the very real pain they’ve suffered heard in the overarching debate over border security.

Unfortunately, numerous efforts to schedule meetings with leaders like Speaker Nancy Pelosi or Sen. Chuck Schumer have been ignored, so the Angel Families decided on Tuesday to simply show up in their offices to try and deliver their emotional and poignant messages.

However, even though she was reportedly in her office at the time, Pelosi remained behind the safety of her own set of walls and refused to meet with the Angel Families that had come to visit her.

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With cellphone and media cameras recording, some of the Angel Moms spoke of their great frustration at being unable to speak with Pelosi, not to mention her prior “snarky” remarks and dismissive attitude towards their pain and the common sense solution that might prevent future families from joining their grieving ranks.

The sheer irony of Pelosi hiding behind the walls of her inner office was duly noted by many of the participants in the surprise event.

Do you support the Angel Families raising awareness about illegal alien crime?

One of the Angel Moms sarcastically noted that Pelosi had no problems meeting with other advocacy groups all of the time, and said, “Everybody gets a meeting but us.”

Here is a longer version of the gathering of Angel Families in the lobby of Pelosi’s office, posted to Facebook by a group known as “Women for Trump.”

Later in the morning, the group of Angel Families proceeded to “storm” the lobby of the office of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, but he, too, was nowhere to be found.

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Aside from the great irony of Pelosi hiding from these grieving mothers behind a set of walls when she refuses to provide safety via border walls to the rest of America, it must be noted that her refusal to even meet with these mothers and fathers and siblings is the essence of cowardice.

Pelosi is most likely too afraid to speak with these Angel Moms and Dads because she knows deep down that her refusal to secure the southern border will only serve to prolong their pain and guarantee that the group’s numbers will swell. That would wholly undermine the left’s narrative that the border is currently safe enough and additional border walls are unnecessary and immoral.

In the meantime, we congratulate these brave Angel Families for having the gumption to take the fight directly to Pelosi and Schumer, to camp out in their offices and ensure that their message is noted.

It would be wonderful if either Pelosi or Schumer decided to meet with these families to hear their stories and start working toward finding a solution, but we certainly aren’t holding our breath in that regard.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
The School of Life
Little Rock, Arkansas
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