
Student Caught on Video Punching Female Teacher in the Head


A student was caught on video hitting a Baltimore high school teacher in the head on Wednesday.

The student was allegedly in an altercation with another student before striking the teacher in the head, Fox 45 reported Wednesday.

The incident occurred at Frederick Douglass High School.


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A video by Instagram user Ivan Baker, whose username on the social media site is tvs_biddy, shows the student yelling at the teacher after hitting her in the head before walking out of the classroom.

“School administrators at Frederick Douglass High School continue to investigate a physical altercation that took place yesterday when a teacher was struck by a student following a verbal exchange,” a statement from Baltimore City Public Schools said in an email to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Ensuring a safe teaching and learning environment for our students and staff is paramount to City Schools.

Upon reviewing the incident, school administrators will apply disciplinary action in accordance with Baltimore City Public Schools’ Code of Conduct.”

Students who unintentionally hit a school staff or adult can receive intervention from staff members and the larger community in order to change the behavior or can be suspended for up to three days, according to the Code of Conduct.

Those who purposefully hit adults or school personnel can either receive intervention, short term suspension, long term suspension for at most 10 days or can be expelled. School police is informed about the incident if the adult is hurt.

A similar incident occurred in a Los Angeles school where music teacher Marston Riley was seen punching a student on Friday.

The fight allegedly started over the student not wearing the correct uniform and refusing to leave the class upon Riley’s request.

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The student was caught on video throwing a basketball at the teacher as well. A GoFundMe page by a fellow colleague raised over $160,000 to help Riley cover possible legal fees.

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A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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