
Stock Market Surges to Biggest Day of Gains in Over a Decade


Stocks regained a large portion of their losses Monday after a massive decline propelled by anxieties over the new coronavirus.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 5.1 percent, or 1,293 points higher, while the S&P 500 rose 4.6 percent and the Nasdaq Composite climbed 4.5 percent, CNBC reported.

The stocks’ gains came after seven days of losses for both Dow and S&P 500.

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The Dow Jones surge is the biggest percentage gain since March 2009, according to USA Today, and the largest-ever point gain for the blue-chip average.

The surge in stocks comes after they sank more than 3,500 points amid anxieties over the spreading coronavirus. The Dow had sunken more than 1,000 points, according to CNBC.

“The market has been conditioned to buy on any weakness,” Keith Buchanan, portfolio manager at Globalt, told CNBC. “I think we’ll look back at these past few years at some point as some level of complacency.”

“Buying the dip takes more bravery now,” Buchanan said.

Despite government-issued travel warnings and restrictions, the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world.

Two people in Washington state have now died from the virus, according to the Washington State Department of Health.

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Sunday that New York confirmed its first case of the virus.

The Rhode Island Department of Health also announced the state’s first case of the coronavirus Sunday.

There are at least 89 confirmed cases of the virus in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state health departments, CBS reports.

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has taken steps beginning Saturday to dramatically expand testing for the virus.

Government officials are preparing for a significant global impact from the virus, according to a Department of Defense document obtained by Newsweek. Officials predict that the coronavirus will “likely” become a global pandemic within a month.

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A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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