
State Bill Forcing College Campuses To Provide Abortion Pill Advances


The Senate Health Committee of the California state legislature approved a bill in early April that requires any health clinic on a college campus to provide abortion pills.

The College Student Right to Access Act, or S.B. 24, advanced through the legislature’s first hurdle on April 3.

The California State Senate Health Committee approved the bill with a 7 to 3 vote.

The proposed legislation would amend California’s public health code to force any health clinic located on a University of California campus to “offer abortion by medication techniques” beginning in 2023, according to The Washington Times.

It would also provide $10.2 million in private funds to cover the cost of the necessary equipment and training.

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Former Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed the same bill in Oct. 2018 “because the services required by this bill are widely available off-campus.”

However, with a Democratic-controlled California legislature and Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s outspoken approval for the proposal, the bill is all but guaranteed to pass after it is voted on by state Senate’s education and appropriations committees, as well as both chambers.

The legislation was introduced by Democratic state Sen. Connie Leyva, who also was the chief sponsor on the aforementioned bill that was vetoed by Brown.

Leyva notably received $15,700 from Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California during the 2018 election cycle.

Do you think campuses should provide abortion pills?

Planned Parenthood has voiced support for the legislation.

“Women do not lose the constitutional right to end a pregnancy simply because they are a college student,” Leyva said in January.

She argued that collegiate women should not have to bear the cost of abortions or travel long distances for the procedure.

Leyva received the majority of her 2018 fundraising through public and trade unions.

However, she received nearly $18,000 from a health care union and $8,000 from Blue Cross Blue Shield of California.

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