
Singer at Anti-Gun March Arrested for Gun Crime


People who want to talk about stricter gun laws should be better at following the ones that already on the books.

One of the featured entertainers at Saturday’s March for Our Lives anti-gun demonstration in Washington knows a thing or two about breaking firearms laws.

Because even when he was on stage in front of the anti-gun crowd in D.C., rapper Vic Mensa was on probation for a firearms conviction in California last year.

According to the gossip website TMZ,  Mensa pleaded guilty in July to carrying a concealed weapon on a charge stemming from a traffic stop in Beverly Hills in March 2017.

TMZ reported that Mensa had a permit for a concealed weapon, but it had been issued by another state. (The state isn’t identified, but Mensa is a Chicago native, so Illinois is a good bet.)

In exchange for Mensa’s pleading no-contest to carrying a concealed firearm in his car, Los Angeles County prosecutors dropped a charge of carrying an unregistered loaded firearm, according to TMZ.

But these are the people who are preaching to the rest of the country about gun laws?

It isn’t clear whether the organizers of Saturday’s rally knew about Mensa’s record when they booked him for the event, but what is clear is how it points up the hypocrisy surrounding the whole stunt like a toxic cloud.

Not only was the rally protected by armed police officers — a characteristic the gun grabbers share with the Black Lives matter gangs – but it turns out that one of the acts is a lawbreaker himself when it comes to firearms.

Does this show how hypocritical the gun grabbers really are?

It’s not really a surprise that Mensa doesn’t have much respect for the law.

As Rolling Stone reported in November 2016, he’s been outspoken about his support for Black Lives Matter hoodlums and his contempt for then-candidate Donald Trump (and on Jimmy Kimmel’s show, now less!). In 2017, he went to Israel and came back to slam the Jewish state in its struggle with Palestinian terrorism. (Time magazine published his essay about it.)

So, he’s your garden variety liberal in 2018 America, with a California gun conviction that proves the garden variety hypocrisy of liberals in 2018 America.

Twitter users had a blast with the news.

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Now, here’s the thing.

The media darlings from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School can bleat like sheep for stricter gun laws all they want, but it won’t change the fundamental reality that the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees Americans the right to bear arms.

It also won’t change the reality that many people – including one of their entertainers on Saturday – consider being armed a matter of survival.

Considering his line of work, Mr. Mensa might have better reason than most to worry about being attacked (rappers tend to run in dangerous circles), but it would still behoove him to know what the laws are when it comes to owning or carrying a concealed weapon.

And considering California is known for its strict gun laws, it’s almost certain he knew what he was doing last year was illegal; he just didn’t expect to get caught.

That basically proves the gun rights side of the argument. The only people gun laws will keep from getting guns are people who obey the law.

If even people who talk stricter gun laws can’t be expected to obey the ones on the books, do the gun grabbers expect the next potential school shooter to?

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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