
#SheToo Posters Popping up After #MeToo Icon Accused of Sex Assault


In the wake of numerous allegations of sexual abuse, harassment and misconduct lodged against Hollywood executive and producer Harvey Weinstein, among others, the #MeToo movement was born of other victimized women publicly sharing their stories of abuse and harassment.

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One of Weinstein’s more outspoken accusers, Italian actress Asia Argento, has been exceptionally harsh in her criticisms of the disgraced movie mogul and those like him who similarly abused vulnerable young people, but now it appears that she has been exposed as being an abuser of the vulnerable herself.

According to Breitbart, the bombshell news that that the former victim had become a victimizer was revealed by The New York Times in a report which documented how Argento had recently settled with a large payout a sexual assault complaint filed against her by a young co-star who was 17-years-old at the time of the alleged incident.

In response to the shockingly hypocritical news, subversive conservative street artist Sabo took to the streets of Los Angeles and plastered up large posters of Argento flipping the bird while her eyes were covered with the hashtag “#SheToo.”

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Sabo has routinely used his style of guerilla art to make a mockery of Hollywood’s pretentious stars and other major celebrities, often when they become embroiled in scandals or blatant displays of dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Sabo had previously gained attention for mocking the Hollywood elites who promised to move after President Trump’s election, called them out for covering up the sexual abuse issue for so long, slammed Weinstein and others for their actions, and most recently plastered fake Trump stars along the Hollywood Walk of Fame in response to the repeated destruction of Trump’s real star by vengeful leftists.

The complaint against Argento was filed by actor and musician Jimmy Bennett, who in 2004 co-starred with Argento in a film titled “The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things.” Argento’s character in that movie was the prostitute mother of Bennett’s character.

The alleged sexual encounter between Argento and Bennett reportedly occurred in 2013 in a California hotel room. Bennett was only 17 at the time while the age of consent in the state is 18. Argento is about 20 years older than Bennett.

In a rather disturbing development, an Instagram post from the day of that incident has turned up and is circulating again on social media that appears to show Argento and Bennett taking a selfie together while in bed, all but confirming the alleged incident occurred.

Ironically, Argento had previously lambasted Weinstein and others who’d protected him for victimizing vulnerable young actors and actresses, as she claimed had been done to her by Weinstein when she was only 21 years old.

In fact, the actress had delivered an emotional and powerful diatribe against the rampant abuse in Hollywood at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year, a place she deemed as Weinstein’s “hunting grounds” and where she claimed Weinstein had raped her many years ago.

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Do you enjoy seeing Sabo's subversive work calling out Hollywood for their hypocrisy?

It is also worth noting that Argento was most recently in a serious romantic affair with celebrity chef, prolific world traveler and “Parts Unknown” star Anthony Bourdain, who recently and inexplicably committed suicide.

For what it is worth, Argento has disputed the allegations of sexual assault against her by Bennett and claimed she has done nothing wrong, but the reportedly six-figure payout to settle Bennett’s complaint would suggest otherwise.

This is nothing more than the latest display of Hollywood hypocrisy, and thankfully there are folks out there like Sabo who refuse to let the liberal elite brush aside allegations of wrongdoing or preen as moral arbiters when they are just as guilty as those they condemn.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
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