
Shapiro: Trudeau Wields Terrifying New Power, Convoy Donors Need to Be on Alert


This week, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the lightweight, unpopular elected leader of a country with a 93 percent vaccination rate for those over 60 and a total vaccination rate of 84 percent, announced that he would invoke the Emergencies Act in order to crack down on the Freedom Convoy, a group of protesters opposed to government vaccination mandates for truckers.

Trudeau breathily announced that enforcement of the law would be “reasonable and proportionate.” His public safety minister, Marco Mendicino, said the action was required thanks to “intimidation, harassment and expressions of hate.”

Why the government would need to invoke emergency powers in order to move some trucks remains beyond understanding; after all, police had just removed trucks from the Ambassador Bridge, reopening that trade artery with the U.S. Meanwhile, provinces across Canada have already begun alleviating their coronavirus restrictions, from vaccine passports to mask mandates.

There is no emergency here that would justify the use of the Emergencies Act. As even the BBC noted, “It is so far unclear which scenario Mr. Trudeau would rely on to justify the use of the Emergency Act — [the relevant threats have not] been clearly present in Ontario.”

Nonetheless, the Department of Finance explained that the government would be extending laws designed to stop terror funding to encompass crackdowns on political dissent: “Financial service providers will be able to immediately freeze or suspend an account without a court order. In doing so, they will be protected against civil liability for actions taken in good faith.”

In plain language, this means the Canadian government has now empowered banks to freeze accounts that give money to political causes the government doesn’t like.

The move to de-bank disfavored political actors has been gaining steam. In January 2021, PayPal blocked a Christian crowdfunding site from using its services; the next month, PayPal announced it would work with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center to find users to boot.

In Canada, it’s worse than that: The de-banking has become government-sponsored.

If Trudeau is able to invoke emergency powers to de-bank his political opponents, where, precisely, does this end? What’s to stop powerful political actors from violating other liberties on the same pretext?

Should the government have the power to freeze bank accounts?

The answer, of course, is nothing. And perhaps that’s the point: From now on, dissent against left-wing perspectives may be criminalized. Watch what you say — your bank account is on the line.

Over the course of the past century, those on the political left made a promise: If they were granted more and more centralized power, they would protect their citizens, particularly during times of emergency. That promise was always a lie, but the pandemic exploded that lie in particularly egregious fashion.

This left leftists with two options: to abandon that article of faith, an idea central to their entire worldview, or to persecute heretics. Trudeau, unsurprisingly, has chosen the latter.

Emergency powers will be necessary until the people enthusiastically agree that their betters in government ought to rule them.


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Ben Shapiro is founding editor-in-chief and editor emeritus of The Daily Wire and host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” the top conservative podcast in the nation. Shapiro is the author of numerous nonfiction books, including The New York Times #1 best-seller "The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Courage Made the West Great" (HarperCollins, 2019). Headshot photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr.

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