
Sessions Calls Together State Attorneys General To Consider Social Media Giants 'Stifling' Free Speech


Concerns that Facebook, Twitter and Google have stifled free speech on their platforms has brought about mistrust of these tech companies.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions scheduled a meeting in September to discuss this potential problem with state attorneys general. They will also be addressing the possible abuse of antitrust laws.

“The Attorney General has convened a meeting with a number of state attorneys general this month to discuss a growing concern that these companies may be hurting competition and intentionally stifling the free exchange of ideas on their platforms,” Department of Justice spokesman Devin O’Malley said in a statement to The Hill.

This accusation would put businesses like Facebook and Twitter back in the hot seat where Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg found himself in April testifying about the 2016 presidential election and potential Russian interference.

More recently, Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday.

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They spoke about their increased efforts to target foreign entities and minimize the spread of misinformation, especially with midterm elections coming up in November.

“Clearly, this problem is not going away. I’m not even sure it’s trending in the right direction,” said Sen. Richard Burr, the committee’s Republican chairman, according to Reuters.

“I’m skeptical that, ultimately, you’ll be able to truly address this challenge on your own. Congress is going to have to take action here,” said Sen. Mark Warner, the senior Democrat on the committee.

Dorsey testified a second time on Wednesday to the House Energy and Commerce Committee regarding conservative censorship allegations.

Do you think these tech giants have gained too much power?

Facebook, Twitter and Google have denied all accusations.

“Search is not used to set a political agenda and we don’t bias our results toward any political ideology. Every year, we issue hundreds of improvements to our algorithms to ensure they surface high-quality content in response to users’ queries. We continually work to improve Google Search and we never rank search results to manipulate political sentiment,” said a Google spokesperson in a statement.

Conservatives and even President Trump have shared their complaints about potential conservative bias on both platforms.

These hearings are the first steps in addressing Trump’s public bias accusations and challenging the substantial market power these companies have acquired.

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Google has been fined multiple times in Europe for billions of dollars regarding antitrust laws, and Facebook is facing antitrust scrutiny there as well.

Last week in an interview with Bloomberg, Trump stated the tech companies may be in a “very antitrust situation” but did not say yet whether they should be broken up.

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Jacque is a digital marketer and writer providing quality content for a variety of businesses. She has been tasked with researching a broad spectrum of topics including digital marketing, social media, solar panel and clean energy technology, blockchain technology, accounting and creative tax strategy, business loans, niche manufacturing, natural health, wellness and more.
Prior to writing, Jacque completed a Bachelor’s of Science degree in geology. Utilizing this education, she found employment in North Dakota and Montana on oil drilling rigs as a mudlogger working closely with geosteers to ensure each well was drilled into the most productive “pay zone.” Not only did this experience give her in-depth knowledge of the earth and the types of systems that produce oil and natural gas, it also gave her a first-hand look at the advanced technology used to drill deep horizontal wells built for hydraulic fracturing (fracking).

When the price of oil crashed, Jacque decided to move into a more stable industry where she could utilize her natural strength in writing and have the opportunity to explore her curiosities in other fields by studying and writing about them. She has spent significant time researching natural remedies and is always expanding her knowledge in natural health, wellness, and the health benefits of herbs. She has also been experimenting with gardening, learning how to forage, and creating tinctures and herbal teas to heal various ailments for friends and family.

For the past two years she has also been busy researching industries such as digital marketing, accounting, and finance, to be the sole digital content developer for a marketing agency, an accounting company, and two loan providers. She has written for various B2B and B2C companies, including a custom spring manufacturer, a medical wire forms producer, a medical device pad printer, a luxury resort, a hunting book supplier, a tattoo artist and more.

Jacque regularly attends educational seminars related to real estate investing and digital marketing, and has completed an extensive training program on options trading; applying strategies using calls, puts, and spreads; analyzing business finances; and reading charts to identify buying and selling signals.

Jacque has traveled extensively and is always looking for opportunities to expand her perspective on life and the way people live, to better appreciate her own life, and produce a unique, balanced viewpoint on every topic she writes about.
Bachelor's of Science, Geology
Languages Spoken
Topics of Expertise
Finance, Health, Science/Tech

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