
Sen. Feinstein Does 'Fact Check' on Judiciary Committee. It Doesn't Go Well


Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, has spearheaded her party’s objections to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

On Thursday, Feinstein attempted to “fact check” the committee on its handling of sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh. Christine Blasey Ford claims Kavanaugh attacked her at a party in the early 1980s when they were in high school.

While the committee was hearing testimony from Ford, the senator’s official Twitter account sent out this message:

“Fact-check: The Judiciary Committee has never investigated allegations like Dr. Blasey Ford’s on its own. That has ALWAYS been the FBI’s job. Investigations should not be done by partisan Republican staff.”

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Democrats in the Senate have been pressuring the Republican committee chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley, for an FBI investigation into the allegations against Kavanaugh.

The Judiciary Committee responded to the California senator’s “fact check” with some facts of its own.

“The committee repeatedly asked Ranking Member Feinstein to join its investigation, including requests to participate on numerous calls,” the committee’s Twitter account said.

“Notably, the Ranking Member’s staff didn’t ask a *single* question of Judge Kavanaugh during *three* on-record interviews with the committee.”

Feinstein had possession of Ford’s letter for weeks before sharing it with the FBI just days before the vote on Kavanaugh was to take place.

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While she didn’t have any questions for Kavanaugh in previous interviews despite knowing about the sexual assault allegations, Feinstein did have a few during Thursday’s hearing.

The ranking member asked Kavanaugh why he wasn’t insisting on an FBI investigation into Ford’s claims.

The nominee responded again and again that he was willing to submit to whatever the committee wanted him to do.

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Kavanaugh also reminded the senator that the FBI wouldn’t make a determination if it investigated; it would only submit findings for senators to review.

On Friday, Feinstein criticized Kavanaugh for his emotionally charged testimony against the attacks on his character.

“Judge Kavanaugh did not reflect an impartial temperament or the fairness and even-handedness one would see in a judge,” she tweeted. “He was aggressive and belligerent. He should not be rewarded with a lifetime Supreme Court seat.”

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Savannah Pointer is a constitutional originalist whose main goal is to keep the wool from being pulled over your eyes. She believes that the liberal agenda will always depend on Americans being uneducated and easy to manipulate. Her mission is to present the news in a straightforward yet engaging manner.
Savannah Pointer is a constitutional originalist whose professional career has been focused on bringing accuracy and integrity to her readers. She believes that the liberal agenda functions best in a shroud of half truths and misdirection, and depends on the American people being uneducated.

Savannah believes that it is the job of journalists to make sure the facts are the focus of every news story, and that answering the questions readers have, before they have them, is what will educate those whose voting decisions shape the future of this country.

Savannah believes that we must stay as informed as possible because when it comes to Washington "this is our circus, and those are our monkeys."
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