
Sassy Dog Doesn't Want to Give Baby She's Jealous of A Kiss When Mom Asks


Anytime a family welcomes a new baby, it’s an understatement to say that it’s an adjustment for everyone. And for any little ones already in the house, the new addition may or may not be a thrill.

Siblings can get fearful about what this will mean to their relationships with Mom and Dad. And our four-legged little ones may need their own time to adjust.

A woman in Utah who recently gave birth posted a video of her large dog’s reaction to the newborn. Let’s just say she still seems to be warming up to the idea.

In the video, Nicole Cliffe, a writer and mother of three, encouraged her dog, Sansa, to give the baby a kiss. Sansa made mini-howling noises in reply.

The baby was lying belly-up on the bed. Sansa made no bones about the fact that her rawhide was much more interesting at that moment.

It wasn’t the first time Cliffe had posted about Sansa. She showed photos of Sansa as a small puppy sleeping on her husband’s chest and her hugging her with absolute joy.

Sansa grew quickly from those puppy stages. Another post showed her squeezing her very large body into a small chair that was bought for her as a puppy.

It’s clear this is a dog with personality. And in the video, Cliffe teased her until she finally gave up.

“Sansa, one kiss for baby,” she said to the dog. Sansa considered and considered, and finally she walked toward the baby and vaguely swept her tongue on the baby’s forehead. Baby smiled.

Having acquiesced, she gingerly settled herself down on the bed next to the baby, her mom’s request completed.

Yes, it seems that Sansa has a bit of a jealousy problem with the baby. Still, lest anyone be concerned, Sansa also appears to be a devoted family dog.

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In another tweet, Sansa was seen giving the baby a big kiss, and in another she laid next to an older sibling while the baby relaxed in the foreground.

“Sansa exhausted after a day guarding and entertaining three small children,” Cliffe wrote.

With any luck, over time Sansa and the new baby will build a deep and lasting bond. In the meantime, Cliffe’s followers are enjoying the dog’s antics.

Who doesn’t love a dog that talks back? Not the annoying, incessant screeching of a small dog barking at nothing, but conversational muttering steeped in personality.

“I immediately fell in love with your snarky, whiny, passive aggressive dog,” one woman wrote. Another seconded, “I am howling.”

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