
RNC Speaker: Trump Valued My Son After Doctor Said His Life Wasn't Worth Living


School choice advocate Tera Myers said Wednesday that doctors encouraged her to abort her son Samuel, who has Down Syndrome.

Myers spoke during the third night of the Republican National Convention about education freedom.

“Before Samuel was even born I was told his life wouldn’t be worth living,” Myers said.

“When early tests revealed he had Down Syndrome, our doctor encouraged me to terminate the pregnancy. He said, ‘If you do not, you will be burdening your life, family and your community.’”

Myers said that she knew her unborn baby was “a human being created by God and that made him worthy of life.”

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When she later went to register her son for kindergarten, educators told her to “put him where he would be comfortable. Don’t stress him out by trying to teach him,” she said.

Myers detailed her struggles attempting to find proper education for her son and fighting to pass education freedom legislation in Ohio.

Myers also shared a story about her son going to the White House to meet with President Donald Trump.

“President Trump shook my hand and said, ‘Wonderful job, mom, your son is amazing.’ Unlike the doctor who told me to end Samuel’s life before it even began, President Trump did not dismiss my son. He showed Samuel he valued him and was proud of what he accomplished,” she added.

“President Trump gave Samuel an equal seat at the table,” she continued.

“Tonight, I would like to extend my thanks to President Trump and his administration for their work towards making every student’s dream of a meaningful education a reality.”

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