Lifestyle & Human Interest

Punk Driver Slams Snowman with Truck, Poetic Justice When He Learns It's Built on Huge Stump


One of the most enjoyable aspects of snow is playing in it — at least, when you’re little. Children don’t seem to mind the cold as much. Maybe it’s all their enthusiasm that keeps them warm.

Adults, on the other hand, tend to grouse about the weather and watch their kids play from the warmth of their own home.

But not these adults. Cody Lutz, his fiancée, and his fiancée’s sister decided to have fun with the snow and build something nearly every child has built at one point or another: a snowman.

But this wasn’t going to be just any snowman. This was going to be an epic snowman, so large that they had to use an old tree stump as a foundation for the bottom snow “ball.”

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They were impressed with their handiwork, but they weren’t the only ones. Someone else spotted the gigantic snow creature and turned a bit frosty, which led them to make a rather foolish decision.

“I went to work on Monday and I came home to this Monday night which is (sic) the irony is pretty funny,” Lutz said, according to NBC.

The photo really says it all. Poetic justice — instant retaliation: The snowman made it clear he was not to be messed with.

“This is Petersburg for you,” Lutz posted on Facebook after realizing what had transpired in the front yard. “What they didn’t count on, is the massive stump in the center. Life is hard, but it’s much harder when you’re stupid.”

The tire tracks led up to the base of the snowman, and the crunched snow and tree stump peeking through tell a fairly straightforward tale. While Lutz either doesn’t know or isn’t going to tell who the culprit was, it would probably be pretty easy to tell by looking at the front of the truck.

“I think he got the last laugh for sure,” said Lutz, referring to the snowman.

Lutz also made a conscientious clarification on his Facebook page. He was concerned that his idiomatic use of the phrase “instant karma” might be misleading and wanted to make sure people know where he was coming from.

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“I accidentally said ‘karma’,” he explained, “since that’s kind of an internet colloquialism for ‘payback,’ but I’m glad Karma doesn’t actually exist. I’m glad that my sins in this life have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus on the cross. Im (sic) glad that through God’s Grace I am free from the guilt of sin in this life and the next! ?”

Whatever you call it, this incident was hilarious — and probably taught the impulsive driver a lesson or two.

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