
Pro-NRA Student Attacked at School, Drops Attacker Like a Sack of Potatoes


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Talk about blaming the victim – literally.

A senior at a New York state high school was suspended for a day for defending himself from an attack by an anti-gun student last week after a school assembly that featured a CNN video harshly critical of Second Amendment supporters.

But his attacker paid for it too.

In an interview with MediaEqualizer, a website co-founded by conservative California radio host Melanie Morgan, the attacked boy’s father described how his son was targeted for having a viewpoint that wasn’t approved by the school administration.

Brian Breault said his son, Christian, attended an assembly at Middleburgh Junior/Senior High School, just west of Albany, after the school participated in the national anti-gun walkout that marked one month since the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida.

As part of the assembly, students were presented with CNN’s coverage of a Stoneman Douglas student giving a speech that castigated pro-Second Amendment arguments with the repeated refrain “we call BS.”

To call the inflammatory speech unfair to the National Rifle Association and gun rights supporters would be giving it too much credit. The student all but blamed the NRA and its supporters for the deaths of 14 students and three adults at the campus, as well as “hundreds of senseless tragedies.”

It was so extreme that the school district superintendent later apologized in writing for the presentation.

Did Christian Breault deserve to be suspended for defending himself?

Still, is it any wonder that impressionable high school students who are uneducated about the Second Amendment might have their feelings stirred up against one of the few students who stood out for his support of gun rights?

In a Facebook post, according to PJ Media, Breault wrote that his son told a school nurse about his objections to the video, and another student overheard.

“Another student not involved in the conversation threatened him for his view on the video going as far as telling the school nurse that he would punch Christian in the face if he didn’t stop defending the NRA,” Breault wrote. “The nurse told the student he could not say that and no further action was taken.”

Well, no further action was taken at the time. But that same student attacked Breault’s son later in the day, Breault said.

“Christian defended himself, punching the kid in the jaw, causing him to fall to the floor,” he told PJ Media. “The kid got up and threw an object at Christian, which he deflected.”

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(Sounds like Christian can handle himself pretty well.)

The other student received a three-day suspension, Breault said. Christian Breault was suspended for one day. Apparently, the school principal doesn’t believe in self-defense even when guns aren’t involved.

“I spoke to the principal of the school who was very combative and condescending to my concerns over keeping Christian safe,” Brian Breault told MediaEqualizer.

In his own interview with PJ Media, Christian Breault said he worried the disciplinary record could impact his future career in the Navy. But there’s a broader issue involved too.

“I personally feel my suspension shows the failure in our society and schools. My constitutional rights were violated by this student, and I defended my rights and myself from him,” he said.

His suspension, he said, “teaches our young that they cannot defend themselves without being punished.”

That’s exactly the lesson the school was teaching that day – and the superintendent’s apology doesn’t change it.

From showing the inflammatory video, which featured an evidently unhinged young woman openly mocking the idea that “a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun” (“we call BS!”), to imposing a suspension on a student who defended himself from being attacked for having an unpopular opinion, the principal’s decisions that day make two things clear:

That inciting hatred against American students is OK, if those students don’t share the politically correct opinion of the authorities.

And the God-given right of self-defense only has meaning if the authorities approve.

That’s the distorted vision leftists have for America in the 21st Century, and it’s a lot of what conservatives are fighting against.

If the Breaults’ stories cover the facts, it’s why Christian Breault dropped his attacker like a sack of potatoes. And no one should blame him one bit.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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