
Pro-life Groups Quietly Make Massive Positive Impact at the Border


There’s a good chance you’ve heard this claim from the left before: “If pro-life voices really cared about women, they’d help them instead of just protesting.”

The implication that the left pushes, of course, is that conservatives and faith-based groups only want to end abortion but offer nothing else. In reality, many right-leaning organizations are doing good work to help single mothers and other women in need, but these efforts often go under-reported by today’s media.

In a move that goes against the leftist narrative, pro-life groups just teamed up to help women and young children — and they’re doing it at the southern border.

“The effort is called ‘Bottles to the Border’ and is the result of collaboration between pro-life New Wave Feminists and And Then There Were None, a pro-life ministry for former abortion workers founded by former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson,” The Blaze reported on Monday.

You might remember Johnson as the woman who inspired the movie “Unplanned,” a film which showed some of the harsh realities of abortion. The one-time abortion activist became one of the most outspoken pro-life voices after her experiences with Planned Parenthood.

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Now, her organization and others in pro-life circles have raised nearly $50,000 in donations and supplies after just one week. The goal is simple: help relieve the crisis at the southern border with compassion and caring.

Do you think that helping migrant women should be a pro-life priority?

“The thing we keep hearing is, ‘Oh, pro-lifers don’t care about life outside the womb. Where are they at the border?” Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa of the group New Wave Feminists told the Catholic News Agency.

“It’s not a political issue, it’s a people issue,” she said. “And so if we care about the human dignity of the child in the womb, then we also care about the human dignity of the migrant.”

Others certainly seem to agree. According to The Blaze, some 50 pro-life organizations have now teamed up on the project, which is continuing to take donations through the pro-life New Wave Feminist website.

“100% of all donations from now thru July 13th will go towards our efforts to help families at the border,” that organization pledged.

Of course, the entire border issue is a hot topic right now, with many conservatives frustrated with lax immigration enforcement and policies that seem to be flooding the United States with Central American migrants. Most voices on the right would prefer if the situation were handled years ago, but the reality is that the crisis isn’t going to disappear overnight.

Pro-life figures like Johnson say that compassion shouldn’t end just because the situation at the border is so broken.

“Let’s be a movement that reaches out to those who need our physical and emotional assistance…whether those people are walking into an abortion clinic, at the border, or are homeless,” she posted to Facebook on June 25th.

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“Let’s always strive to be a movement of love, redemption and hope. Let’s not only focus on the unborn, but instead focus on all of those who desperately need protection and support. Let’s not be pro-birth. Let’s truly be prolife,” she wrote.

It’s ambitious, but it just might work — and it’s showing the world that stereotypes about conservatives don’t match the compassionate reality.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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