
Pop Superstar's New 'Demons' Song Appears to Backfire, Turns Thousands Toward God


There are many fascinating aspects of the Bible. One that is most overlooked, however, is the fact that “the Bible isn’t just a historical accounting but a road map for everything humanity will face in the future.”

It is designed to help us understand and broach life successfully, given the war between good and evil is ongoing. Even today, the circumstances may take different forms, but the crux of each of them can be found in the Bible. That is why the book is so valuable for young and old.

Doja Cat recently showed this reality in the release of her new song “Demons.” The enormous backlash among listeners wasn’t expected. So over the top did it become that it sparked Youtuber Ruslan KD to address the outrage.

I’d actually recommend you don’t waste your time watching the “Demons” video. Why drive up views when I can easily describe the atrocity to you in two words, “absolute garbage” of the most perverse kind. If you must partake, I’ve made the video available to you below.

WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive.

It is no wonder the gruesomeness of the lyrics coupled with the satanic images sent many clutching their bibles and fleeing back to church, so over the line did this vocalist step. As music is known to be a reflection of the times, this body of work seemed more a calculated attempt at locking us in a place of fear and downturn.

I can hardly call Doja Cat an artist and neither can she, it seems. Had she actually any real talent at all, she would not have needed to sink to such a distasteful, immature, attention-getting stunt. She is but the next whore being pimped to reliably naive prey by the music industry for a buck, companions to evoke a larger agenda perhaps?

Do you pray regularly?

This time it seems to have backfired on them, tipping the scales of that reliability away from the expected applause and thrusting towards a return to Christ. It isn’t the first time that God used evil for good.

From the Genesis of man, both literally and figuratively, God has revealed that he is ultimately the one in control, taking the devil’s handiwork and using it to remind us of his existence. These moments always seem to come when we are at the tipping point of humanity and society. Can anyone argue that we aren’t there today?

We are very much there so surprise me little that God took Doja Cat’s aggressive attempt to justify her own emptiness, poor judgment, and misguided notions to lure kids to become exactly the same. Had she really felt powerful, she wouldn’t have fallen for the unsatisfying industry narrative that feeds the broken but never truly nourishes them. It is the reason so many mega-stars never find peace.

Not unlike in Genesis 50:15-20, where the story of Joseph is told, Joseph’s brothers were everything he was not. They were the superstars where Joseph was the scrawny, unremarkable son. Out of ego and greed, Joseph’s brothers threw him into a pit to die. But by the hand of God, he was saved only to rise to rule over the land, with them now serving “the word of God” through him and his leadership.

The twist of fate ensured that countless men would benefit and be saved by Joseph’s stewardship from whence it came. Genesis 50:20 reveals this intention, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people[a] should be kept alive, as they are today.”

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So unfolds our present-day circumstances, not only exhibited by the Doja Cat debacle but the mass transition back to God and traditional ways experienced most monumentally by our youth. Thus, we are reminded, once again, how God can use the evil intentions of humans to bring about good.

In thinking that he finally had us, the devil overplayed his hand and audience. All of society seemed to have fallen under his will, only to be called “right” by those who reaped riches and rewards as his handmaidens.

All anyone needs to do, however, is look around at the pain and suffering this “right” has thrust upon it to know that it is anything but. We are in terrible shape as a society and world. Our nation, in particular, is unraveling by way of lost traditions, virtues, and family values.

Had Doja Cat actually grown up with a father in her life as well as a secure and stable home, odds speak to a more favorable outcome for her altogether, whether in the music industry or not. As this isn’t the case, this version of her isn’t even trying to hide her satanic tendencies.

God is on the move, however. In his perfect way, he has allowed the devil to achieve such a high that he, himself, is returning people back to the truth, the light, and the way. Such espouses a comment from one listener who responded to Doja Cat’s “Demons ” like so, “Thanks Doja to making me wanna go to church everyday.”

Not alone, may we all hope that trend continues without need for future reminders. With so many more Bibles in the hands of readers thanks to Doja Cat, the possibility is greater today than yesterday. In this, she’s earned my applause, notwithstanding her God-awful music.

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Laura J. Wellington is an award-winning children's television creator, author, blogger and technology entrepreneur. A TED Speaker, she is the founder of the THREAD MB blog as well as the ZNEEX app.
Laura J. Wellington is an award-winning children's television creator, author, blogger and technology entrepreneur. A TED Speaker, she is the founder of the THREAD MB blog as well as the ZNEEX app.

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