Lifestyle & Human Interest

Police Officer Shares Heartwarming Story of Little Boy's Kindness at Chick-fil-A


When we call someone childish, we don’t mean it as a compliment. It’s used to describe someone who is immature and not acting their age — a not-so-subtle way to hint that someone needs to shape up, and quickly.

Being called childlike can be completely different. The term connotes wonderment, simplicity and joy that adults often lose as they become jaded, and is something we could all use a little more of in our lives.

Carter Bryan is a great example of this fine quality. The 2-year-old boy was at a Chick-fil-A when he spotted Greenville Police Officer Terence Brister.

As many young boys are, Carter was impressed with the officer and wanted to let him know. So, he went right up to the cop and thanked him. The encounter was heartwarming, and it didn’t end with bringing cheer to just the restaurant patrons.

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Brister posted a photo of himself with Carter at Chick-fil-A, and the post has been liked over 100,000 times and shared more than 69,000 as of Saturday afternoon.

“Today this beautiful young child approached me at Chick-fil-A and thanked me,” Brister wrote. “I took him to the counter and bought him a cookie. He then had me wait and he gave me a gift card to eat at Chick-fil-A again.”

“He is the very reason I have served in USMC, State Police And now City Police. The faith, innocence and love of a child is immeasurable. In a world that’s divided by racial tension, prejudice and discrimination, why can’t adults be more like kids. He didn’t see black or white, he saw only a law enforcement officer and who he called a hero.

“I applaud his parents for raising a child who loves everyone. I know that some people hate police, but it’s days like today that God often reminds me of those who love, honor and respect the badge and uniform. This is another @best day ever@. God is always reminding us of his presence. ?”

The boy’s mother, Cara Bryan, also shared the officer’s post. “Kind words,” she wrote. “It was a fun morning getting to meet you. Thanks again Officer Terence Brister for taking time to make my boy smile (and proud!) ❤️”

But that wasn’t the end of it either. First a thank you, then a cookie, then a gift card and then Bryan decided to drop off some cupcakes at the Greenville Police Department, who also got in on the fun, giving Carter a once-in-a-lifetime tour.

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“Brister, a longtime law enforcement officer and Marine veteran, took a moment to shake hands and even pose for a picture with the young man,” the department shared on Friday. “But he couldn’t stop thinking about the encounter.

“Today, the Bryans – Carter, his twin sister Josephine, and Mom Cara- stopped by the Law Enforcement Center to drop off cupcakes. They were even able to squeeze in time for an impromptu tour and leave with a little swag!”

This is an adorable story that beautifully illustrates just how far a thank-you can go, and how much it can mean to someone.

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