
Police Issue Statement After 'Mysterious Monolith' Is Discovered Outside Las Vegas


Something odd was found last weekend in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge north of Las Vegas.

“MYSTERIOUS MONOLITH!” Las Vegas Metropolitan Police posted on X.

“We see a lot of weird things when people go hiking like not being prepared for the weather, not bringing enough water… but check this out! Over the weekend, @LVMPDSAR spotted this mysterious monolith near Gass Peak north of the valley,” the post said, referring to its search and rescue unit.

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Anyone interested in seeing the monolith had to act fast, because it was removed on Thursday.

The Associated Press noted that the shiny structure that was enticing the curious was erected illegally on the federal refuge.

“A lot of you have asked about the mysterious monolith that was recently spotted north of Las Vegas. Yesterday afternoon, we assisted with the removal of the item due to public safety and environmental concerns,” police posted on Facebook on Friday.

“The monolith is being stored at an undisclosed location while public authorities determine the most appropriate way to dispose of or store the item,” the post said.

Do you think these monoliths are part of a prank?

Police said the shiny monolith was 77 inches tall and each of its faces was 13 inches wide.

Police said the three-sided structure was made from reflective sheet metal and stuck into the ground with rebar and concrete.

Police said they do not know how the object got there, but are not investigating the incident.

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“The LVMPD discourages anyone from venturing off marked trails or leaving objects and items behind. This poses a danger to you and the environment,” the post said.

Visitors to the refuge are welcome, but those wishing to explore the refuge should be mindful of the environmental impact of their visit,” the post said.

Monoliths similar to the one in the desert have been found in Utah, California, New Mexico, and Wales.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal noted one monolith was found in downtown Las Vegas in 2020.

KLAS-TV reported that even though the remote monolith required a hike in triple-digit temperatures, some folks who saw the police post on social media had to see it for themselves.

“We saw the post, and I really wanted to come see because we missed the one in Utah because they had it taken down so quickly, so I wasn’t going to risk not going to see it this time,” visitor Alesha Wallace said.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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