
Police Asking for Help after Animals on Family Farm Murdered Overnight


Dedicating yourself to the care of animals involves an investment of a whole life. Few people enter that sort of work who don’t love and respect the animals they work with.

William Wiggins and his daughter are those sorts of people. For 10 years they have raised miniature horses, donkeys, pigs, and goats, as well as other small animals.

You can imagine the feelings of the Wiggins family when they discovered that someone had come onto their farm during the night and slaughtered their herd.

“We loved on them, fed them bottles, took them in the house when they were sick,”  Wiggins said.

The discovery was an emotional one for Wiggins, one that left him shaking.

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“When you show up at the pen to check on them in the morning time and everyone of them laying in the pen is dead from some type of wound, we all cried.”

A calf, an alpaca, and goats were all found dead. Only one goat survived the massacre.

The police were quick to label the culprits cowardly.

“Whoever done this cowardly act to anything so innocent that’s kept in captivity… I can say that they will be punished to the extent of the law to the fullest,” Sherrif Reynolds of the Woodruff County Sherrif’s Department said. It was an “heinous act,” the Sheriff added.

Sheriff Reynolds says there is a growing cash reward for information leading to those who have committed these terrible acts.

If you or anyone you know has any information you are asked to call the Woodruff County Sheriffs office at 870-347-2583.

This was not just an attack on some animals, but on creatures the Wiggins family valued and viewed as family.

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This is a loss that must leave them heartbroken and more than just a bit disturbed.

I’m sure any number of farm owners can tell stories of animals lost to disease, coyotes, or human error. But to have an individual come onto the place you live and murder your herd — that cannot leave you feeling safe.

In the video, Wiggins’ daughter appears to cry at several points. Wiggins himself makes it clear that they all had tears after the discovery.

The family has since set up a GoFundMe page to help rebuild.

If anyone reading this knows of who might have committed such a terrible crime, please call the police. And always, if you know of a person or child who tortures or kills animals, please get them help.

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