Lifestyle & Human Interest

'Please Help Me': Town Shocked After Discovering Box with Eerie Note in the Snow


On New Year’s Eve, Roxy Lane of Fairbanks, Alaska, spotted a box on the side of the road near a row of mailboxes close to her house.

It was bitterly cold out as she went to investigate. She found that the cardboard box contained a note, blankets and a newborn baby.

She alerted authorities to her find, and around 2 p.m., Alaska State Troopers were on their way.

Lane posted to Facebook, sharing the sad story and a video of the note and baby, but has since removed them.

“Please help me!!!” the note shared by Lane read, according to Newsweek. “I was born today on December 31, 2021 [at] 6 a.m. I was born 12 weeks premature. My mom was 28 weeks when she had me. My parents and grandparents don’t have food or money to raise me. They NEVER wanted to do this to me.

“My mom is so sad to do this. Please take me and find me a LOVING FAMILY. My parents are begging whoever finds me. My name is Teshawn.”

“Today I found an [abandoned] newborn in a cardboard [box] at the row of mailboxes by my house,” Lane wrote in her post, according to Newsweek.

“I’ve been processing my feelings all day and running through all the different scenarios and reasons, with my bf and family, as to why something like this could have happened.

“I hope the mother gets the help she might need. I doubt they [the parents] could have afforded to take her to the hospital and she may be in need of medical attention. Please, someone knows this new mom, check on her! She might be in a desperate situation, feeling abandoned herself. We don’t know, there could be a whole backstory here behind closed doors.”

A spokesperson for the Alaska State Troopers, Austin McDaniel, confirmed that Alaska does have Safe Haven laws, which are intended to prevent circumstances like this one.

“The child was discovered in subzero temperatures at around 2 p.m.,” he told “Today.”

“We have Safe Haven laws here, which means you can drop off a child at a fire station or a church — no questions asked — but they were left at an intersection.”

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The baby was taken to a hospital and doctors said he is in good health. Police are still looking into the incident.

“Honestly this kind of stuff happens more often than you would think,” Lane wrote, according to Alaska Public Media. “Somewhere along the line we’ve all failed this family…Everyone should have access to basic necessities and shouldn’t feel like they have to abandon their babies for it to have a better life.”

“He has endless possibilities in front of him, and who knows maybe he can be reunited with his mother if she needs help and gets that help.”

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