
Participant in Warnock Church Camp Shares Horrifying Abuse Accusations


GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler is entrenched in a battle to hold her Senate seat against radical Democratic Raphael Warnock who, according to a report, oversaw a youth camp 18 years ago where children were allegedly abused and one said he was doused with urine.

Georgia voters will decide whether the GOP will hold its majority in the Senate on Tuesday, Jan. 5. Sen. David Perdue will face radical Democrat Jon Ossoff, who has his own set of problems. But Warnock, whose life is apparently a revolving series of scandals, oversaw the abuse of a teen in 2002, a young man told The Washington Free Beacon in a recent interview.

Apparently, before Warnock, a reverend, was getting wrapped up in alleged domestic violence situations involving his wife and the police, and celebrating communist dictators and praising Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, he allegedly fostered an environment which saw the then-12-year-old to face cruelty and abuse at a church camp.

The Free Beacon reported Warnock presided over Camp Farthest Out as senior pastor of the Douglas Memorial Community Church in Baltimore, Maryland. While at that camp, the pre-teen was allegedly treated inhumanely, which later led to Warnock’s arrest after a Maryland state trooper said he disrupted her interviews.

“Warnock was arrested at Camp Farthest Out on July 31, 2002, after a Maryland state trooper said he repeatedly disrupted her interviews with counselors while she was investigating allegations of child abuse,” reported the Washington Free Beacon.

Warnock and another reverend were charged with “hindering and obstructing” police, but the charges were later dropped by the state prosecutor.

Anthony Washington, 30, told the Free Beacon that as a kid he attended the camp, and his story of abuse is one worth hearing.

“I just wanted to get the hell away from that camp … I didn’t want to spend another day there. … That camp was real messed up,” Washington told the outlet in an exclusive interview.

Washington added that visiting Warnock’s camp was the first time he’d ever spent time away from his mother, who sent him and his sister there so they could make friends after moving to Maryland from California in 2002. It was a memorable experience, but for all the wrong reasons.

Do you think Loeffler will be able to fend off Warnock next week?

Washington said that after wetting his bed at the camp, counselors forced him to sleep outside alone on a basketball court as punishment. He also said that after being exiled out in the cold, the camp counselors locked the doors and prevented him from coming inside.

“I’m like, ‘Hell no I’m not, it’s cold out there… “[The counselors] wouldn’t let me in the house, not at all. … Shut the door to the cabin, locked it… It was dark. There wasn’t nothing out there but the basketball court. I ain’t never experienced nothing like that. Like, you’re not in a tent, you’re not in nothing. You’re just out, God knows where,” he recounted.

Then, according to the man, things got sadistic. Washington was allegedly doused with urine which was in a bucket that was used by those at the camp who had no restroom access.

Washington said the counselors poured urine on him, but he didn’t know why. Warnock was not implicated to have had direct knowledge of or involvement in the urine incident.

“I went through that experience myself. I don’t even like talking about this s—t. That s—t happened. … It was like in a bucket. They would keep that s—t in a bucket,” he told the Free Beacon.

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Washington also stated counselors would “grab kids,” and also prevent them from phoning their families.

The man said once his mother caught wind of his experiences, she went against the camp run by Warnock.

The Douglas Memorial Community Church reached a financial settlement with Washington’s mother, he said.

“A court docket from the case shows that lawyers from both sides moved to dismiss the case ‘with prejudice’ in May 2005, a resolution that frequently occurs when lawsuits are settled out of court,” according to the report.

While Warnock is presumed innocent of any wrongdoing for the events at the Camp Farthest Out in 2002, Washington says the man has no business in the U.S. Senate.

“I don’t think nobody like [Warnock] should be running for damn Senate nowhere, running a camp like that,” he said. “He should not be running for government.”

Without any conviction or documentation, it’s not exactly fair to hold Warnock accountable for the allegations of abuse — of which there were at least five — at the camp he ran from 2001 to 2005. But this story furthers a narrative that Warnock and controversy apparently can’t stay away from one another.

The words of a former inner-city youth further diminish the credibility of a pastor who has championed communists, the radical Nation of Islam and also made fun of churchgoers who carry guns to prevent from being massacred in their pews by deranged people.

It’s hard to argue that Warnock isn’t a man with a questionable background, to say the least. In one week, Georgia voters could send the former alleged camp from hell supervisor to the Senate, and potentially hand Democrats full control of Congress in the process.

If Washington’s story is true, then Warnock has a lot more to answer to from voters than simply making alarming statements. He’d need to answer questions about alleged child abuse. Those questions need answers. Senate Democrats could soon make the radical pastor instrumental in helping them to force their anti-American agenda on the country during the 117th Congress.

Of course, the nightmare scenario of full Democrat control of Congress can be avoided if Georgians simply reject Warnock and his radical politics and his past at the polls next week.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.

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