
Op-Ed: Trump Is Right: The State of Our Union Has Never Been Stronger


Like many of you, I found my eyes glued to the television last month as I witnessed President Trump deliver the most powerful State of the Union address I have heard in my lifetime.

I felt my heart swell at how lucky I am to be growing up at this moment in our country’s history, with more opportunities and access to the American dream than any generation before us. As I watched many of our elected officials leap to their feet and cheer for our president’s accomplishments, I knew: The state of our union has never been stronger.

Women in America are more empowered than ever before. It was just 100 years ago that women were afforded the right to vote through the passage of the 19th Amendment. Around that time, very few women worked outside the home, and the first woman wasn’t elected to Congress until 1916. It was the time of my great-grandmothers, one who had nine children and farmed on her homestead, the other of Cherokee descent with ancestors who walked the Trail of Tears.

Isn’t it amazing that this month, I watched a Congress with the greatest percentage of female members in history be addressed by a president who has constantly uplifted women? President Trump has appointed many qualified women to senior-level White House positions, and thanks to his economic policies, women’s unemployment is at its lowest rate in nearly 65 years.

There has never been a better time to be a young woman in our nation, and I am inspired — and empowered — to achieve anything I set my mind to.

Thanks to President Trump, America has never been safer. American soldiers have destroyed ISIS and brought the world’s leaders of terrorism to justice. We’ve witnessed a massive drop in illegal border crossings — 75 percent since May, to be exact — and are fighting dangerous sanctuary city policies that empower and harbor dangerous criminals. Our elected leaders are working diligently to combat the opioid epidemic that has claimed over 700,00 American lives since 1999, ensuring a safer medical future for us all.

Most importantly, America has never been freer to dream. In the last three years, nearly 2.5 million Americans have been lifted out of poverty. The bottom half of wage earners have seen their net worth grow by 47 percent — a rate three times faster than the top 1 percent.

Our leaders are championing school choice, allowing America’s children to build a better future. We’re observing notable investment in STEM education and growth in the workforce. We’re celebrating time with our families with the family leave policies championed by the Trump administration.

We’re once again daring to achieve the impossible and reach for the stars. Our president has set in motion once again the American determination to return men and women to the moon and even set foot on Mars. We’re dedicated to finally eradicating HIV and AIDS. We’re planting the seeds for innovation never before dreamed of, steadfast in our resolve to make all American dreams reality.

For the first time since I can remember, the American people are being put first, rather than American politicians.

While this may not be a popular change in Washington, it’s a shift that’s improving the lives of millions of Americans throughout our nation.

The State of the Union saw many politicians refuse to applaud record-low unemployment and special guests, the ripping up of the speech by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and even boycotts of attendance altogether (looking at you, AOC).

Washington theatrics, however, cannot erase the renewed energy created by this president.

Regardless of your political leanings, it’s impossible to refute the facts proving three years of unparalleled prosperity in our nation under President Trump.

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Everyday Americans have more money in their pockets at the end of the day. Our economy is booming, especially for blue-collar workers. We’re fighting back against the world’s enemies of liberty and are shining as a beacon of freedom around the world. We’re investing in the future of our citizens and turning our dreams into realities.

As a young adult in 2020 America, I am eager to see the continued prosperity and success to come under this president and in the decade to come and I’m committed to being a force for that continued success.

Mr. President, you said it best: I know the state of our union has never been stronger.

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Isabel Brown is a graduate student at Georgetown University pursuing her master’s degree in biomedical sciences policy and advocacy. You can follow her on social media @theisabelbrown (Instagram/Facebook) and @theisabelb (Twitter).
Isabel Brown is a recent college graduate from Colorado who endured years of leftist indoctrination on her college campus and is now pursuing her master’s degree at Georgetown University in biomedical sciences policy and advocacy. After serving as a Turning Point USA chapter founder and president for two years at Colorado State University, Isabel recently became a Turning Point USA contributor to continue sharing the powerful message of the organization. In addition to the content she produces for PragerU, Isabel independently produces and hosts On The Front Lines, a video series highlighting the adversity college students experience due to their conservative beliefs. Isabel is also a former U.S. Senate and White House intern. You can follow her on social media @theisabelbrown (Instagram/Facebook) and @theisabelb (Twitter).

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