
Op-Ed: Is a Biden Impeachment Part of the Democratic Plan for 2024?


During his campaign and throughout his term, the corporate/state media has treated President Joe Biden and his family with kid gloves, singing his praises and burying anything negative.

The most famous example of corporate/state collusion was the state-led disinformation campaign to hide and discredit the Hunter Biden laptop evidence just before the 2020 election, but other such burials are almost too numerous to count. In fact, the political landscape is littered with the shallow graves of Biden gaffes and scandals.

But recently, the corporate/state media complex has started to dig a little around those holes, and some of the graves have begun to stink.

Why, you might ask, after covering for Biden for so long, has the corporate/state media suddenly allowed some of his scandals to seep out to the public? Why have some Democratic politicians been allowed to voice mild criticism of Joe and Hunter? And why have a few Republican politicians who have ignored or minimized Biden scandals in the past suddenly started to call for his impeachment?

All good questions. Let’s take a peek behind the curtain and look for plausible reasons for this abnormal behavior.

Biden is mentally and physically weak, and while he was able to hide in his basement during the 2020 campaign, over the course of his presidency it has become impossible to completely hide his frailty from the electorate. It has also become increasingly difficult to bury the massive evidence of Biden family corruption and treason.

Because of this, corporate donors and Democrats know they cannot plausibly go into 2024 with Biden as their candidate, but they lack an alternative candidate capable of defeating Donald Trump.

In the past, Democrats and their corporate allies have been able to engineer election victories (as they did in 2020), but they realize that many people now understand that game, and they worry that with a weak and unpopular candidate, it might be impossible to get away with stealing another election.

In this scenario, the best achievable outcome for them might be victory by a weak and malleable (i.e., compromised) Republican. Someone willing to go along to get along.

Will Biden be impeached?

To get there, they need to first remove Trump, which explains their desperate lawfare campaign based on seemingly endless trumped-up charges. Unfortunately for them, and perhaps surprisingly for many, Trump is the least corrupt president we have ever had. No man has ever before been investigated with such ill intent, with such little result.

The danger they face is the public deciding the attacks on Trump are so patently unjust that he becomes a (winning) martyr rather than an unelectable loser.

So, to show evenhandedness and demonstrate that justice and democracy are not dead, they will continue to prosecute Trump on tiny technicalities and manufactured charges, but will also impeach Biden.

In order not to damage the brand too much, Biden’s impeachment will be dressed up as the sad result of an aged and impaired but loving dad caring for his addict son — illegal, but ultimately understandable.

The impeachment of Biden, and acceptance that justice has been restored with the removal of both Trump and Biden, will be facilitated by compromised Republicans. The final act will be victory in the election by a (nominal) Republican, demonstrating that the country is still a democracy and that all those people complaining of rigged elections were obviously wrong.

Op-Ed: Bully Biden Threatens Our Democracy

The designated loser candidate on the Democratic side is likely to be someone innocuous and disposable like Gavin Newsom, unless Democrats sense they might actually be able to win. This could happen if a disillusioned Republican base decides to sit out the election or support a third-party candidate. In that case, the Democrats would put forward a reliable progressive like Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton.

Who the designated winner on the Republican side will be is harder to guess. Ron DeSantis is the obvious choice, but I think he is still too uncontrollable to be a comfortable alternative for the Dems and donors, so maybe one of the failed 16 from ’16? Or a faux populist, as meat for the MAGA crowd? I’m not sure, and don’t really care.

Now that we have peeked behind the curtain and are aware of the game being played, our task is simply to not be fooled by any of these psyops, and to ensure that Donald J. Trump is our nominee for 2024.

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Tim Meisburger is an international democracy and elections specialist. During the Trump administration, he served as acting assistant administrator for Africa, deputy assistant administrator for democracy, development and innovation, and director of the Center for Democracy, Human Rights and Governance at the U.S. Agency for International Development. Follow him on Twitter @meisburger.

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