
Oops: Giuliani Confirms Trump Never Told Comey To 'Go Easy' on Flynn


In the wake of President Donald Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey, the liberal media launched a narrative claiming the president had “obstructed justice” by terminating the person leading an investigation into his alleged electoral collusion with Russia.

Evidence of such “obstruction” was Congressional testimony from Comey and his leaked memos which alleged that Trump had asked him to “go easy” on former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who had come under media fire for phone calls with the Russian ambassador during the transition period (perfectly legitimate and legal phone calls, by the way).

Flynn had ultimately been fired from his NSA position because he had been misleading with the vice president about the specific content of the conversation with the ambassador — likely for national security and plausible deniability purposes — and later pleaded guilty to a charge of lying to FBI investigators about the same things. Yet, many on the left insist on clinging to claims that Trump attempted to obstruct justice by asking Comey to “go easy” on Flynn.

According to The Washington Times, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani discussed the supposed obstruction in the Flynn case and other matters — such as perjury traps — during a Sunday appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” with host Jake Tapper, and asserted that the supposed conversation between Trump and Comey about Flynn had never even occurred.

“The president says he never told Comey that he should go easy on Flynn. Comey says the president did, he put it in his memo,” stated Giuliani, who added that Comey had contradicted himself previously on this topic. “So if he goes in and testifies to that under oath, instead of this just being a dispute, (the special counsel investigation) can say it is perjury if they elect to believe Comey instead of Trump, and they should know by now who they believe.”

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Giuliani made it clear that the special counsel investigation had already made it known that they sided with Comey over Trump and he had no doubt that any questions about the Flynn dispute would be for the purpose of setting a perjury trap.

Tapper pressed for any specifics about Trump’s conversation with Comey about Flynn, to which Giuliani replied, “There was no conversation about Michael Flynn.”

“The president didn’t find out that Comey believed there was until about — I think it was February when it supposedly took place, memo came out in May — and in between Comey testified under oath that in no way had he been obstructed at any time,” he explained.

“And then all of a sudden in May he said that he felt obstructed, he felt pressured by that comment, you should go easy on Flynn,” Giuliani continued. “So, we maintain the president didn’t say that, but if we do that under oath we end up in a sort of Martha Stewart situation.”

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The attorney further explained that even if Trump had made the alleged remark about Flynn, it still wouldn’t constitute obstruction as he was merely the head of the executive branch exercising his proper authority to hire and fire employees as he saw fit.

As to the narrative that Trump firing Comey somehow obstructed justice, Giuliani commented on how the president was well aware that Comey would eventually be replaced and any investigations conducted under him would continue under the new leadership, therefore proving there was no attempt to obstruct justice by firing Comey.

The conversation then shifted to the supposed deadline of September 1 for Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation to be wrapped up, which Giuliani made clear was not set in stone but merely a generalized understanding of the time frame and desire to keep the investigation from impacting the midterm elections, if possible.

“The most important thing is, we shouldn’t be carrying on this investigation any longer than we have to, and it can get done by early September,” stated Giuliani. “They have all the information they need to write a report and either clear the president, raise questions, do whatever they want to do.”
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To be sure, the dispute over whether Trump told Comey to “go easy” on Flynn may well have occurred as reported, though its veracity relies solely upon the word of a fired FBI director with a history of contradictions who was once despised by the left, only to now be embraced due to his opposition to the president.

That said, the president’s attorney says the conversation as reported never even occurred — and added the president would testify as such — which should pretty much end this whole narrative once and for all.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
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