
GOP Senator Slams Dem Attempts To Discredit Amy Coney Barrett: 'There Is No Low They Won't Stoop To'


Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said Monday that there is “no low” that Democrats won’t stoop to in their “crusade” to tarnish Supreme Court nominees.

The Iowa senator referenced Democratic attacks on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in September 2018 as he criticized Democratic attacks on the faith of nominee Amy Coney Barrett, whose confirmation hearings began Monday.

“Democrats and their leftist allies have also shown that there is no low that they won’t stoop to in their crusade to tarnish a nominee,” Grassley said. “And I saw it all as chairman of this committee when Kavanaugh came up.”

He continued: “Some of my colleagues may once again try to misrepresent and outright disparage Judge Barrett’s religious beliefs and affiliations. In 2017, they suggested Judge Barrett was too Catholic to be a judge. One senator asked whether she considered herself an Orthodox Catholic.”

Grassley referenced Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s words to Barrett at her 2017 confirmation hearings: “The dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern.”

“Let me remind everyone that Article I clearly prohibits religious tests for serving in public office,” Grassley said.

“Judge, you will no doubt be asked how you will rule on questions and issues and whether the case was correctly decided,” he said. “I expect that you will follow the example of Justice [Ruth Bader] Ginsburg, a nominee should offer no forecast, no hints of how he or she will vote because that is the role of a judge.”

“That’s the place of a judge in our system of government,” the senator added. “Unbiased, fiercely independent. Faithful to the rule of law and a steadfast defender of the Constitution.”

Establishment media and Democratic attacks on the Supreme Court nominee regarding her faith have sparked a backlash with both conservatives and Republican lawmakers.

Judicial Crisis Network has launched several ads in Barrett’s defense, including:

• “Stop The Bigotry,” an ad that calls for an end of attacks on Barrett’s faith.

• “JFK,” wherein former President John F. Kennedy warns against anti-Catholic attacks.

Morning Consult and Politico poll released Wednesday found that voters are increasingly backing the confirmation of Barrett: almost half, or 46 percent, of voters polled Oct. 2-4 said the Senate should confirm Barrett.

This was an increase of 9 percentage points since Trump first announced he was nominating Barrett on Sept. 26, according to the poll.

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