
Newly Elected Congresswoman Who Grew Up in Soviet Ukraine Gives Stark Warning About Socialism


It’s an immigrant’s story, with a message every American should hear.

As a native of Eastern Europe, Victoria Spartz has seen life under socialism up close and knows the damage it can do.

As a newly elected American congresswoman, she’s in a position to stop it from destroying the United States.

Spartz was the underdog winner of a race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District to replace the retiring Rep. Susan Brooks.

And in an interview Monday morning on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” the Ukraine native explained why she got into politics in her adopted country.

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“I grew up in a socialistic country,” Spartz told co-host Ainsley Earhardt.

“I grew up in socialism. I saw what happens when it runs out of money, and it’s not pretty.”

Born in 1978 in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, a member state of the former Soviet Union, she came to the United States in 2000 and became a citizen in 2006, according to the Indianapolis Star. Her personal past became part of her politics.

“I was born in a country that doesn’t exist anymore, for good reason,” Spartz told the Star in an August interview. “Unfortunately, there are a lot of socialistic trends in our country, and it breaks my heart, because that’s not what makes our country the greatest in the world.”

So while Democrats such as New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez keep whining about the supposed injustices of the country they were born in, and while antifa ruffians trash once-great American cities such as Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Spartz knows full well the blessings of being an American.

And she appreciates them too much to leave at the tender mercies of rejuvenated socialism.

“I think we need to be good students of history. Our country, for the last century, fought against socialism. And a lot of young kids died,” she told Earhardt.

“I took my kids to the beaches of Normandy, and you can see how many young kids died fighting for freedom. How many wars were fought and we won.”

Ah, the beaches of Normandy, where the combined forces of the United States, the United Kingdom and other Allies launched the D-Day invasion to destroy the National Socialism of Adolf Hitler’s Germany.

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Most Americans under the age of 30 today are probably unaware that the same socialism touted by septuagenarian soreheads such as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and the photogenic but abysmally ignorant Ocasio-Cortez was part of the system put in place by the Nazi monsters Americans died to destroy in the 1940s.

The same age group has no memory even of the Cold War, when the United States — under leaders like Ronald Reagan — faced down the evil empire of the Soviet Union.

To the liberally minded among them, “socialism” might mean free school, free health care, free just about anything.

Do you think most immigrants think about socialism the way Spartz does?

But to Spartz, who’s seen it in action, it means exactly the opposite.

“And let’s look at any country that’s had socialism. Every country failed because this system is not sustainable. This system created a lot of destruction and misery. So we have to be smarter than that,” she said.

Apparently, it was a message that resonated among Indiana voters with unexpected strength.

While the state’s 5th District has a history of voting Republican and went for President Donald Trump in 2016, according to The New York Times, Democrats were eyeing it as a potential pickup in 2020.

In fact, according to the Indianapolis Star, the district was rated by CNN and the website FiveThirtyEight as one of the most likely to change parties.

In the week before the election, the Star reported, the Cook Political Report labeled the district as “leans Democratic.”

But like many predictions about the 2020 race – particularly in the House, where Democrats lost seats while managing to retain their majority — the expectations for the Indiana 5th were badly mistaken.

Spartz held off a flood of Democratic money pouring into the district as well as a mainstream media-fostered political climate that aimed to make suburban Republicans an endangered species.

Now, with the security of a congressional seat before her, waiting only for Jan. 3 and the beginning of the 117th Congress, Spartz has a vantage point of personal history shared by few Americans.

As an immigrant from Eastern Europe of the communist days, Spartz knows well the distinction between traditional American capitalism and the “socialism” espoused by far too many of today’s Democrats.

“You have freedom and free enterprise, and you have system where government decides,” she told Earhardt. “Every socialistic system is about suppression. We have to value our freedom.”

That’s a message every American needs to hear.

As the Republican gains in Florida this year showed, it’s a message many immigrants – particularly those from Central and South America — already know all too well.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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