
Nan Hayworth: It's Time To Stop Ignoring Biden’s Dangerous Agenda, Unfitness for Office


“Step right up, folks, and behold the Incredible Disappearing Presidential Candidate!”

In a year of many sad “firsts” for our nation, one of the most striking to witness is the day-by-day deterioration in the capacities of the Democrat who would be president, former Vice President Joe Biden.

Even in the most limited appearances, with interviewers so friendly they practically do the talking for him, Biden is mumbling, stumbling and crumbling before our eyes.

We’ve seen him fade after the first few words of the Declaration of Independence, repeatedly lose his way trying to explain his plan for the coronavirus pandemic (Spoiler alert: It’s plagiarized — not the first time the former vice president’s copied someone else’s work — from President Trump’s plan, which is already well underway) and repeatedly insult and attack voters rather than charm them.

Biden also constantly confuses names and people, from newsman Chris [“Chuck”] Wallace to Gov. Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania, who briefly became long-retired Gov. Dale Wolf of Delaware.

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For all of these deepening failings, though, far worse is the erstwhile centrist Democrat’s leftward fall into the policies of his party’s “Sandernista” wing — a striking transformation whose unnaturalness and awkward execution further bespeak Biden’s diminished condition.

One of the former vice president’s strengths was his appeal to a broad swath of Americans, sometimes putting him at odds with many Democratic compatriots. It was jarring, then, to hear Biden suddenly announce, on the campaign trail, that he no longer supported the Hyde Amendment.

For decades prior to that moment he’d been an advocate for this law, which prohibits federal funding of nearly all abortions. His flip, so unexpected that his campaign struggled for days to clarify his position, left voters justifiably dubious about his integrity — and, surely, his state of mind.

Amply adding to the doubts are still more policy reversals: Formerly a voice for “clean coal” and the mining jobs that go with it, Biden has now pledged to eliminate fossil fuels and proposed his own version of the unworkable Green New Deal.

Do you think Biden is fit to be president?

Once a defender of the Second Amendment, he now endorses aggressive gun control legislation.

Following years of support for border security, Biden’s now vowed to roll back President Trump’s border security initiatives.

Former President Barack Obama, in his recent endorsement of his two-term running-mate, described Biden’s platform as “the most progressive … of any major party nominee in history.” Obama attempted to reassure us that today “the world is different,” and that he himself wouldn’t run on the same platform as he did in 2008.

President Obama’s right about one thing: The world is truly quite different than it was 12 years ago — and it dramatically changed for the better when President Trump took office in 2017.

He made our economy stronger, increased jobs and wages, facilitated a rise in household savings, confronted our adversaries forcefully and substantially strengthened our borders and our military.

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The 2020 news cycle, of course, has become dominated by a pandemic the likes of which humanity hasn’t experienced for over a century. Talk about a different world — and diametrically different approaches to the threat as it emerged.

While President Trump had the instinct to make the initial decision to restrict travel from China — a move credited by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, with going “a long way” to spare Americans from exposure to coronavirus at a crucial time — Joe Biden accused him of “hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering.”

Then, in early April, Biden’s campaign announced perhaps his most breathtaking self-contradiction yet: Two months after the fact, he now supports the travel ban.

Today, in Joe Biden, we see a man who has abandoned his long-held convictions in favor of leftist ideology; who tries weakly to mimic President Trump’s crisis leadership; and who cannot coherently sustain a line of rhetoric — or even genial conversation — under the most favorable of circumstances.

Erstwhile primary rivals, Obama administration stalwarts and Democratic partisans are laboring mightily to prop up their candidate, and they’ve been dutifully joined by mainstream media desperate to return to the days of the former vice president’s perceived glory.

But while their efforts may transiently distract our attention, Joe Biden’s faltering words and incomprehensible actions betray the illusion.

We’re watching a presidential candidate disintegrate before our eyes, and no attempts at magic can save him — but our votes for President Trump in November can and will save our nation from Biden’s dangerous agenda.

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Dr. Nan Hayworth is a board-certified ophthalmologist and former member of Congress for New York's 19th Congressional District.

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