
Musk Reveals to Carlson Why He Was Able to Fire 80% of Twitter's Workforce


Twitter CEO Elon Musk told Fox News host Tucker Carlson in an interview that aired Monday that Twitter had become “absurdly overstaffed” by the time he took ownership last fall, which is part of the reason he was able to fire 80 percent of its employees.

“How do you run the company with only 20 percent of the staff?” Carlson asked Musk.

“It turns out you don’t need all that many people to run Twitter,” Musk answered.

The entrepreneur has been working to get the social media platform to profitability since purchasing it for $44 billion in October.

When the Tesla and SpaceX CEO took over Twitter, it was losing $4 million per day; however, Musk told the BBC last week it is now breaking even.

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Carlson followed up, noting that 80 percent is a lot of people. The size of Twitter’s workforce shrank from about 8,000 to its current 1,500, according to The Associated Press.

Musk agreed but explained, “If you’re not trying to run some sort of glorified activist organization and you don’t care that much about censorship, then you can really let go of a lot of people.”

The “Twitter Files,” published by various journalists, revealed in December that the FBI had worked closely with Twitter to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story in the weeks before the 2020 general election to aid Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Twitter in general had a strong bias against conservatives.

Among the people Musk let go from Twitter after assuming the helm was deputy general counsel James Baker, who had previously served as FBI general counsel. Baker not only helped suppress the laptop story, but was also vetting anything allowed to go public about it and other matters last fall, according to the “Twitter Files.”

Musk tweeted in December that Baker was “exited from Twitter” over his “possible role in suppression of information.”

Musk elaborated on his decision to cut 80 percent of the company’s staff, saying, “We just had a situation at Twitter where it was absurdly overstaffed.”

“You look and say, ‘What does it really take to operate Twitter?’ Most of what we’re talking about here is a group text service at scale. How many people are really needed for that?” the CEO asked.

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Musk pointed out that there has not been that much product improvement since Twitter was launched in 2006, meaning there was no need for a large engineering or development section.

“You’re not making cars,” he said. “It’s very difficult to make cars or get rockets to orbit.”

Carlson asked Musk if buying Twitter has been worth the price.

Musk conceded that he paid twice as much as he should have, “but some things are priceless.”

“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy,” he said.

Further, Musk and his team have made promoting truth a core value of the company.

For example, he pointed out that Twitter has added functions like “community notes” designed to encourage people to be truthful or risk getting fact-checked by other users.

“The goal of new Twitter is to be as fair and even-handed as possible, so not favoring any political ideology,” he said.

A version of this article originally appeared on Patriot Project.

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